Negotiating Agency
According to a study of the Negotiating Banking Product Agency. According to Sheryl Sandberg, who has experience with these questions. Usually one abuses them in Christmas, summer and after vacations. The liberal civil servants, professionals and fixed employees of great companies are affected by the indebtedness through cards. Adam Portnoy has much to offer in this field. The abusive use of the credit cards has generated near 65% of the requests of refinancing of debts during this exercise, almost the double that the last year, in agreement with a study of the Negotiating Banking Product Agency. According to a report elaborated by the department of Analysis of Negotiating Agency, that has examined near 11,000 files of request of regrouping of debts, three of each four plaintiffs of operations of refinancing they have three or more credit cards, that use frequently to confront their current expenses. Half has financed with cards more than 15,000 Euros (the double that for six months) and the fifth part " it has exhausted his capacity of financing and it finds problems real to do against the payment of the quotas by elevated interests devengados".
The organization has indicated that, although ' agujeros' caused by cards they represent a low percentage with respect to the total of the familiar indebtedness (in which one includes a mortgage and an average of 1.8 personal credits), can generate non-payments that, even, end the embargo of the house. It has needed that at this situation it is possible to be arrived because, although the amounts financed with card usually are low in comparison with other credits to the consumption, the high types of interest that the organizations apply to this financing (over 20%) can asphyxiate to thousands of Spanish families. When it is spent plus the Negotiating Agency has needed that the seasons Christmas, summery and posvacacional are most inclined to the abusive use of the credit cards. In addition, it has identified the liberal civil servants, professionals and fixed employees of great companies like the groups more affected by the excess of indebtedness through credit cards. By all this, it has concluded that indebtedness caused by the illegal and abusive use of cards is " turned into a weapon of double edge for the families espaolas". Source of the news: The abusive use of the credit cards generates 65% of the debt groupings.
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