
In the poem " Invitation to contemplate luna" , published in the cricket, of 1923, Nal Roxlo does what never more it will do in all the passage of the book: one separates from the modernismo, with his transformation of images, metaphors and music, to try an alternative way to the one of a Metaphysical and spiritualist poetry. The first word of the poem invokes one third person, the flame to participate in a experience in which it will have to leave of side literary imagery for " to see this moon. It is a simple moon of the nature (16). " The call admits, therefore, a request appointed a reader of Literature and able to have " seen literary moons that by the leaves of books they roll (Op. Cit. ) " ; but that invitation, estimates a future interlocutor, nonexistent, still able to try the ways after which poetic I watch the moon for the first time, without mediation of literary imagery, and which she is on the awares, in the middle of a dream, " to one moon-lit night and it contemplates (IV to it. ) ". Roxlo is interrogated in this poem how it would be the moon without mediation of the Literature and its language of metaphors and is in that hesitation of the question where it founds an instance on which the poetry, for the first time in the book, is freed of the spiritualist weight with which, in 1923; but still today, it continues appearing under a battalion of images, metaphors and searched carefully phrases that little or nothing say of how we perceived the world, and yes, of the aesthetic values that hegemonise the poetic activity, as much at popular level as in the specific poetic circuits. Those values, by all means, are not other that the nineteenth-century taken care of beauty and of the language, with the unique aim to obtain a onanista and belletrista adhesion; but that, thus used, seems to make us now think that in S.



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