Outrossim, the understanding of these Inter-relations entresociedade versus landscape is a central vector to choose ours corpode investigations concerning the possibilities and restrictions of human comogrupos (with different strategies/survival choices esubsistncia, adaptability symbolic-cultural universe), was semovendo, assuming themselves and defining its partner-cultural space, since ' ' To understand the Geography and the Environment of one determined area is, thus, umimportante aspect of the archaeological research. It allows, outrossim, that olharisolado in the past can be inserted in an ample context and melhorcompreensvel' ' (Moral, 1999, P. 32), therefore: ' ' (…) to understand entornode ambientao where if it inserts an archaeological small farm, constructed and reconstrudoem function of the use and the occupation of the ground, aid in the task to understand vidapregressa and cultura' ' (Moral, 1999, P. 32). In all the case, still the North American naacademia trend is very current the use of the concept of Landscape Ecology and suasramificaes (evolutionary ecology, forangig ecology, behavioral ecology, for example), as well as the known source as Evolutionary Archaeology, that as Kelly says respect to ' ' an evolutionary science concerned withthe diffetential persistence of variability in behavior over teams (Kelly, 2000, P.
64). Thick way, the evolutivo ecological approach has primordial comopreocupao the understanding of the space use of the environment for diferentesorganismos. As the ambient factors and the 0 variable that affect the sucessoevolutivo of definitive species they are distributed in heterogenia way napaisagem, these organisms must be moved through these spaces to make usoda energy and nutrients, in a definite continuous as salvatory movements (Stafford & Hajic, 1992, p.139). Thus, many archaeologists had assumen of these concepts emsuas research for understanding of mobility, technological organization and aprpria variability of the artefatuais sets of prehistoric groups, leaving of the estimated one that the mobility standard is intrinsecamenterelacionado to the component elements of the landscape, that include plants, community of animals, hdricos temperature, humidity, ground, resources etc.
Tags: geography