Resource Wars

The exploration of the sea Cspio is of extreme complication with aspects that go since its localization and the dispute for the route through the situated countries in its proximity, what it increases the nervousness concerning the market of the oil, therefore countries with exacerbado growth equal China and India that is the cases evidentes tend to have a very high demand for oil what it implies in a possible dispute between supreme consumers as U.S.A. and to explore the reserves of the sea Cspio is necessary that the production pass for one of the countries that if they point out its redor soon what can generate great divergences between exactly, generating interminable geopolitical conflicts that beyond the fear of the Russian control it also has insatisfao of the countries that are not placed in the region of the Cspio but that they are next to the countries that are as the case of the Anger; Afeganisto and the war between Armenia and the Azerbaidjo; the potential stability of the Gergia in the region, what it becomes the uncertain world-wide petroliferous market therefore is capable at any time to have you strike on possible explorations of reserves as this of the Cspio. No longer Brazil as all we know although the increase in the production and reserves of oil the Brazilians still pay a price well higher of what the Americans pay in the value of end items derived from oil as fuels, however with the discovery of the daily pay-salt and a possible autonomy of Petrobra’s this situation can improve or the least to be brightened up through an opening scene, of Petrobra’s if reinventando, to change with the new times the image of the company involved the creation em1999, of a new based strategical plan in three pillars: to consolidate what it was constructed, remodelling to compete; to internationalize the company, buying active in the exterior; to explore the sectors of electric energy and gas. Soon the geopolitics of the oil is an area of extreme oscillation and nervousness, therefore in the measure where the industries try to explore areas as of the Sea Cspio great concern also resurges Russia causing world in all Europe and the remain of the world since world-wide the petroliferous sector is of all a complexity where in elapsing of the months and years if it does not know to the certainty what it can happen. CALEIA RODRIGUES, J. (2000) the Geopolitics of the Oil: anatomy of the Conflicts..

Tracks Formation

I unweave it to search the new, stimulaton to follow ahead, taking in consideration the present reality. The professor of Geography, as professional, needs to give account to interpret the reality, making analysis of the space while resulted of the human work. How much formation of the professional of Geography, You mark (1992, p.163) says: It is not treated to form a closed professional in the cocoon of one to know exclusive and self-sufficient, but to form, in the professional, the man of the communicative ability, that constructs its to know in the fruitful and provoking dialogue in the service of the ample and plural society, in the world of the life, shared between equal. In the practical plan, the marxist perspective defines an attitude of the professional in its relation with the society, critical and always ready to denounce the ideological traps mounted for engaged knowing with the status quo. Gary Kelly describes an additional similar source. Practical the scientific one must offer the linking between knowing and social transformation. However, accurately as. the Comte, science it stops Marx if becomes only the half positive one to instruct the truth and must serve those that they want to act in the society.

Knowing that Geography if occupies of the studies that involve questions directed toward the social one, decurrent of the influence that the politics and the economy exert on the population reflecting in the culture, we understand that the period of training must also be turned toward the agreement of this reality. The professor of Geography, does not have to summarize it a competent veiculador of knowledge and current events, but he needs to be a professional worried about the consequences of the knowledge, with the formation politics of the pupil, with its capacity the professor profession also is practical university formation Can be said that the professional of Geography has a mission to carry through: to not only try to understand the world, as, also to search solutions for diverse problems.

Chapada Diamantina

Different results and Quarrels Analyzing the use and occupation of the ground intrinsically on to the natural resources in the Sheet region – BA, are observed that the activity I at the beginning pan of it in the diamond extration of century XIX, and the tourism at more recent times, they are sobressaem ahead of the too much economic activities of this region. The region is distinguished different reasons pro, being this a region of springs, a time that its geomorfologia propitiates the formation of innumerable talvegues, being component important in the formation of the Basin of the Paraguau, essential for half-barren Bahian, possessing still one riqussima biodiversity and in unknown part. Topographical the Sheet region – BA is caused an accident in surplus, with mountain ranges, mounts waterfalls, valleys with great depth and straits excavated for rivers, encircled of immense paredes and peaks that reach 1400m of altitude more than. Inserted in a basin of sedimentary rocks, with signals of posterior burials causing a light metamorfismo, allows through the measured rocks, to be dated of the Proterozico, observing itself as soon as the geologic processes that had acted in the constitution of the Sheet region – BA had been crawled for millions of years, composing its fisiogrficos aspects current that are on to dynamics, that relates relief, with use and occupation of the ground. The use and occupation of the ground, according to Rose (1989), can be understood as being the form for which the space this being busy for the man, this implies that it is of great importance to carry through survey of use and occupation of the ground, to evaluate the situation of this space and if this occupation and use this being carried through of positive or negative form. In the region of the Chapada Diamantina, and later in the Sheet region – BA, the starting point for occupation and use of the ground, it must occasions minerador initiated in the second half of century XVII, when Ferno Days discovered emeralds in the serrana region of Minas Gerais and its friends had found the gold, facts these that had stimulated the propagation of the calls flags.


Outrossim, the understanding of these Inter-relations entresociedade versus landscape is a central vector to choose ours corpode investigations concerning the possibilities and restrictions of human comogrupos (with different strategies/survival choices esubsistncia, adaptability symbolic-cultural universe), was semovendo, assuming themselves and defining its partner-cultural space, since ' ' To understand the Geography and the Environment of one determined area is, thus, umimportante aspect of the archaeological research. It allows, outrossim, that olharisolado in the past can be inserted in an ample context and melhorcompreensvel' ' (Moral, 1999, P. 32), therefore: ' ' (…) to understand entornode ambientao where if it inserts an archaeological small farm, constructed and reconstrudoem function of the use and the occupation of the ground, aid in the task to understand vidapregressa and cultura' ' (Moral, 1999, P. 32). In all the case, still the North American naacademia trend is very current the use of the concept of Landscape Ecology and suasramificaes (evolutionary ecology, forangig ecology, behavioral ecology, for example), as well as the known source as Evolutionary Archaeology, that as Kelly says respect to ' ' an evolutionary science concerned withthe diffetential persistence of variability in behavior over teams (Kelly, 2000, P.

64). Thick way, the evolutivo ecological approach has primordial comopreocupao the understanding of the space use of the environment for diferentesorganismos. As the ambient factors and the 0 variable that affect the sucessoevolutivo of definitive species they are distributed in heterogenia way napaisagem, these organisms must be moved through these spaces to make usoda energy and nutrients, in a definite continuous as salvatory movements (Stafford & Hajic, 1992, p.139). Thus, many archaeologists had assumen of these concepts emsuas research for understanding of mobility, technological organization and aprpria variability of the artefatuais sets of prehistoric groups, leaving of the estimated one that the mobility standard is intrinsecamenterelacionado to the component elements of the landscape, that include plants, community of animals, hdricos temperature, humidity, ground, resources etc.