Homem Society
The patriarcal social model was basic to still more increase the omission on the feminine paper in this society where the women were relegated as the plain one, contributing immensely for documentary silence on the same ones. Being the feminine restriction to the private life fruit of the values and effective cultural constructions in this period. I conclude this article paraphrasing Lucin Febvre – for who the historical knowledge must have as reference ' ' the men, never the Homem' ' , to study ' ' history of mulher' ' it is not easy task, therefore we are constructed culturally, and for occasion we always study the figures of the Man as subject description. To develop an article concerning a problematic one that I evidence daily, and becomes next the reality to the feminine transformations during a period marked for ideological conceptions. I intended to show in this article as the sort relations are gifts, and alicerados in the imaginary one of a society constructed ideologically and as the power of the press it manipulates and it judges the society, creating esteretipos that it is remained in the current days. Bernard Golden has plenty of information regarding this issue.
At no moment I intended ' ' (DES) construir' ' a history of the women, but yes to show as the ideological constructions perfazem the society. I detached with primary sources and secondary these moments and its ruptures, therefore, the cultural paradigms still interact in our current education. The historical vision with which our schools work has as base a masculine optics, based in great done and according to perspective of the great winning men. In turn, the social minorities? women, blacks, indians etc.? they are omitted, and the trajectory of the discoveries human beings is presented of descontextualizada form, unprovided of the procedural vision that involves the participation of the women. esponse will follow. The education of the women must be seen under a double angle: the woman is discriminated by the education, but also he is abetter of the discrimination, while it is that it educates, in the family, and to a large extent, in the school.
Tags: history