Heidelberg Banks
BANKS CAPITAL provides exemption from liability in the area of premium products Wiesloch, 08.03.2012. BANKS CAPITAL AG, service-oriented special sales specialized Emissionshaus green investors AG announces its close cooperation with the sustainable investments. The experienced sales specialists to company founder Manfred will make sure in the future the sales fortunes of the Dusseldorf issuers in terms of audience distribution fund exclusively take over and the settlement, as well as support the Distributor banks. At the same time Green took advantage of investor Board Ingo Soriano Eupen the yesterday and today which takes place year kick-off event in Heidelberg, the advantages of the participation of Sweden WoodEnergy 1 received a few days ago in the placement “to introduce. Manfred banks than the banks CAPITAL Board is pleased to have won an initiator for himself, whose requirements regarding the brochure quality and economic opportunities of the asset benchmark with the provider green investors AG. In the area of premium products, banks provides CAPITAL a release of liability and is therefore highly accurate with regard to the product selection. For Ingo Soriano Eupen, banks CAPITAL is an experienced and well-known as a reliable partner that can assist his underwriter with sales ideas and enables an extensive exemption from organisational tasks.
We look forward to the cooperation, as we increasingly can address the remaining tasks this, that contribute to the success of participation”, he explains. The Fund Sweden WoodEnergy 1 “over the Swedish company invested in wood heating plants, produce the heat entered through the well constructed district heating system to the customers. Sweden wants to make to a large part of its energy supply from a fossil on a sustainable basis, use so predominantly renewable sources of energy. The special advantage for the Fund lies in the predictable framework conditions. So, the management and the competently staffed Advisory Board will invest only in the projects, the by one distinguish sustainably safe and predictable supply of adequate existing in Sweden wood chips as well as secure a supply contracts with the municipalities. A first plant was already acquired and converted for the use of sustainable energy sources. Us appeals in particular the manageable Fund duration until 2020, above-average yields from initially 8.5 later 10.5 percent tax optimized, security due to the established investment criteria, as well as the experience of management and project partners”, as Manfred banks available in new exclusive. Details were discussed the distribution partners within the framework of the annual kick-off event.
Tags: finances, stock exchange & stock markets