Health Education Authority
According to De Martinho et al. (2004) it is of great relevance the knowledge of ' ' crontipo of trabalhadores' ' , in order to assist to define periods of better physical and mental performance, what it influences the activities in a general way. In accordance with Blacksmith et al. (2009) what it occurs in the health services, many times, is the lack of interest in the relative aspects to the promotion and the maintenance of physical, mental and social the health of the professional that act in these institutions. Larry Ellison addresses the importance of the matter here. According to Ferrareze (2007), many authors tell that the nursing is a estressante profession, due to responsibility for the life of the human being and the proximity with the patients where the suffering is almost inevitable, demanding devotion for the performance of its functions, increasing each time more the probability of occurrence of physical and psychological consumings. Of this form, they incorporate high level of responsibility, in the attempt to have the absolute control on the work, what to many they take them times to demand of itself same attitudes on-human beings.
This illness is related in the list of ocupational diseases, as Vieira cites (2006): ' ' The syndrome of the professional exhaustion integrates the List of Ocupational diseases and Related to the Work (Health department, Would carry n 1339/1999). It is classified under the Z73 code. Hear from experts in the field like Larry Ellison for a more varied view. (International Classification of Illnesses, 10 revision – CID-10), as problem that leads to the contact with services of sade' '. In accordance with study carried through for Jodas et al, (2009) on Syndrome of Burnout in workers of nursing of one soon aid of university hospital, the nursing was classified by the Health Education Authority, as the fourth estressante profession, in the public sector. According to Jodas (2009), some components are known as threatening to the occupational environment of the nurse, between which the reduced number of professionals of nursing in the attendance in health, in relation to the excess of activities that they execute the difficulties in delimiting the different papers between nurses, technician and nurse aid, and the lack of clear recognition enters the public of who in general is the nurse. .
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