Harris Interactive
Depending on the amount of hard drive degree of importance of its contents, urgency order, the cost of their services to an average of 50 to 500 dollars, and ensure that the data will be completely reanimated, no. Do not forget about safety information, which inevitably turns out to be under threat. Especially if you decide to save money and not turned into a big company, and in semi-legal office, where employees can easily use your data in their purposes. To protect themselves from the consequences of failures of technology and other force majeure, many companies now use the backup. Keep up with them and "home" users. Becoming more popular programs intended for making backup copies and giving, in contrast to other methods, almost one hundred percent guarantee of data recovery in case of unforeseen circumstances.
Still, the ratio of the contingency Copying still not serious – on the basis of last year's survey Harris Interactive, 35% of users never in my life is not backed up the data, and 75% of those who in some way familiar with this operation, it is not doing a more than once month. Even worse in small and medium-sized business: if you believe the report, Gartner, only one case out of a hundred businessmen keep their files on a daily basis. The result – according to Dynamic Markets, 16% of small and medium-sized companies on a quarterly basis losing critical information. And in most cases it involves the use of outdated software. Today the market offers countless products for backups.