German Pellets: Interest For Beneficiary Be Paid

Artist eight percent yield on German will get pellets for the second time in a row in 2012 enjoyment right subscribers pay an attractive yield. The prospektierter and thus maximum interest of eight percent as early as 2011 pays the Pelletproduzent from Wismar. The distribution will be made this spring. Investors benefit from the economic strength and the strong market position of the German pellets group. These include the production of wood pellets, the Pellethandel, the production of green electricity and heat, as well as trading with CO2 certificates.

The benefit law program strengthens our equity. For a growing company like ours, and in the face of the changes that has the financial crisis in the lending to the sequence, this form of financing is a strategic success factor for German”pellets, says Peter Leibold, managing partner. Since the beginning of the emission of the beneficiary in the year 2010, around eleven million euros were drawn. The German pellets-beneficiary program is geared towards continuous growth in drawing. The interest Investor confidence shows in our business model”, says Peter Leibold. The security of entrusted capital and long-term satisfied investors are also in the future at the heart of investment decisions. 2012 English will expand its market position in Central Europe pellets. The expansion of the dealer network will be further developed.

With the establishment of a subsidiary in Italy, German pellets reinforced its commitment to the Italian market. The construction and operation of power heat cogeneration plants in Northern Italy increases the Pelletabsatz and provides additional revenue through the sale of green electricity and heat. With the construction of pellets in the United States, German secures pellets long-term commodity and sales volumes on the European power market. Sales of animal hygiene products will continue to increase. The weather, crop rotations with less grain and the harvest of cereal as whole crop silage cut down on the straw range. Alternatives are needed. The expansion of production capacity in this segment is paying for German pellets. The Introduction of new animal hygiene products and product innovations will ensure a continued positive sales history. From this point of view German expected pellets that 2012 revenue and profits. This also enables beneficiary investors the prospect of high returns in the interest payment. More information at. German pellets German of the largest Pelletproduzent in Europe is about pellets. “In addition, German produces pellets of animal hygiene products, wood-based and green” power and green “heat. Since 2010, the company through its subsidiary German pellets beneficiary invites investors to the investment. Thus, the medium-sized company acquires capital for further growth in the rising market of renewable energies. 2012, the Group expects revenue of 325 million.

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