Chemical Allergies
The immune system plays a central role in human health. It protects us from disease by recognizing and removing foreign material from the body. But also the immune system also needs to be protected from harmful exposure. In addition to the impact of stress on the immune system a major factor in weakening the immunity and its malfunction is the effect of various chemicals and compounds. Of course you can arrange at least once a year, a package of measures to strengthen the immune system, in particular the move to healthy food, spend your holiday in the resort of Kislovodsk, Zheleznovodsk or any other balneokurorta, region, or in the spa center (spa Plaza), but the danger of chemical allergy is more serious, and in addition to prevention should also know the sources of such immunological reactions leading to allergies.
Chemical allergies and sensitivities. Chemical allergy is an adverse reaction to the chemical results of a previous sensitization of the chemical, chemical allergy that is triggered by the immune system and this is reflected in hypersensitivity after an initial allergic reaction to chemicals, and so subsequent exposure can cause serious response. A typical example is the increased sensitivity to bee stings. The range of immune system response is wide and can manifest itself in forms such as skin rashes, eye irritation, allergic asthma and even anaphylactic shock and pulmonary disease. Chemical allergy has potential for death. Some environmental chemical sensitizers: polyisocyanates – can cause hypersensitivity reactions and are responsible for lung disease among workers in industrial enterprises. Polyisocyanates used in the manufacture of adhesives, paint, hardener, elastomers, and various coatings.
Exposure occurs through inhalation, skin absorption or otherwise. In contrast to other reactions hypersensitive immune system, symptoms may persist for years after exposure to chemicals. Anhydrides – used in the manufacture of paints, varnishes, coatings, adhesives, casting and sealing materials can cause a variety of hypersensitivity responses of immunity. These include asthma, anemia, hypersensitivity pneumonia, and contact dermatitis. When exposed by inhalation may cause lung disease. Various anhydrides can cause this reaction. Metals – can cause pulmonary hypersensitivity reactions. Since nickel is a common sensitizer with prolonged contact, such as through jewelry, coins fasteners and wear. Lung problems may occur if inhaled in workers of metallurgical plants during the mining, milling and smelting of nickel. Beryllium may produce on contact hypersensitivity reaction type tuberculin. The effects of this metal is most common in the aerospace industry workers, high-tech production of ceramic, dental alloys, manufacturing, electronics, and nuclear weapons and nuclear industries. Inhalation can cause severe pneumonia, tracheobronchitis, chronic disease and lung cancer. Other metals can also cause hypersensitivity immune system include platinum, cobalt and chromium. Penicillin is the most common drug that can cause allergic reactions. The impact of penicillin is responsible for 75% of deaths from anaphylaxis in the United States. Severe reactions have been identified to a lesser extent, if penicillin is taken orally. Cosmetics, personal care products and enzyme extracts from plants are known to cause hypersensitivity as well. This is not an full list of chemicals that can cause allergies. But certainly a list of most common and causing the greatest harm to the immune system, by bringing it to the state hypersensitivity.