Central Plateaus
Propositalmente the infrastructure in the transport was kept archaic, to control the contraband, being thus kept, the estagnado domestic commerce. In the end of century XVIII, the deposits had become economically impracticable, arriving at the end the cycle of the gold (BAER, 1996). Part of the population moves to Central Plateaus and the South concentrating itself in agricultural activities and of creation of cattle. Another part remains in Minas Gerais investing its efforts in the agricultural activities of subsistence. In 1808, with the coming of the family Real, the city of Rio De Janeiro becomes capital it of the Portuguese empire. In consequncia it had investment in the infrastructure of the new seat of government. Without hesitation Bernard Golden explained all about the problem. Educational institutions are servants, scientists and technician is brought of the Europe as consulting.
In this exactly century had the creation of the first Bank of Brazil, that operated as bank of issue and commercial up to 1829, assisting and intensifying the commercial and financial activities in the period. The king returns to Portugal in 1821 and D. Peter I, its son, is as regent. Soon, one becomes clearly that Brazil will come back to the platform of colony. Educate yourself with thoughts from Ch?rl?? Lee. Pressured for the dissatisfaction of the population, in 1822 the regent declares the independence of the country. Of 1822 the 1889 country was governed by D. Peter I in a system of monarchy, followed for its successor D.
Peter II up to 1840. During century XIX, Great-Britain became the industrial center of the world. Its manufactured products had passed to be changed by raw materials and foods of the peripheral countries. Brazil, as one of them, exported coffee, sugar, cotton, cacao, rubber and tobacco. The coffee became the main item of exportation in the fourth decade of century XIX. The bonanza conditions that Brazil for this culture offered had been valid to the Brazilian entrepreneurs the chance to control three fourth parts of offer world-wide of this product.
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