Brazil Banker
In the third chapter ' ' Workers of acar' ' he can yourself be perceived where they worked and who was these. The production of the sugar was the known mechanized activity most complex and until century XVIII, that it counted on workers and specialized tools, that if articulated in one ' ' mechanism nico' ' , organized in teams in the period of harvest where ' ' seguidas' operated twenty hours; ' (p.46), process this directed toward ' ' to prevent losses and to assure produo' ' (p.47), that is, he was ' ' True fbrica' ' , that to remain itself functioning in the normal ones ' was necessary; ' The organization of engenho' ' , this formed by the administration sectors (Sir), maintenance (carapina, carpenter, mason and caulkers), transport (cars of ox and barks), and the processing (administrator-small, levadeiro, master of the sugar, banker and boilermakers), beyond many slaves who were gifts in the two last sectors. In this scene he had the predominance of ' ' Workers livres' ' that they were not the Europeans (craftsmen, days laborer and proletariat) and yes qualified people that the maintenance or experts of processings of the sugar took care of of, ' ' strangers for negros' ' (p.51), these workers were, administrator-mor, ad city, collector of incomes, notary, surgeon, master of the sugar, boilermaker, carapina, banker, administrator-small, purgador teller and boatman. If he also detached in this scene ' ' Work of ndio' ' that they had been used in simple tasks as ' ' annual cleanness of the led one, to take care of of the sangradouro, to cut lenha' ' , (p.57), beyond captain-do-weeds, hunting enslaved fugitives, these ( slaves), had been base of all work and society, therefore, without them nothing functioned for to be basic all process, beyond that practical (slavery) which belonged was on the violence, since of its capture, day for Brazil and productive activity in the device.
Tags: history