The Assertion

This leaves only two options open not exclusive: (i) sell more products to the same customers, and/or (ii) acquire new customers for current products. To read more click here: Oracle. The first option is based on the assertion of Kotler which is 5 times cheaper to sell more to existing customers who acquire new customers. Its designation of fashion is loyalty. It means designing products to the same customers but for other uses. It also means increasing the rate of use of products by activating the market of replacement and repairs. The second option, acquire new customers, is very aggressive, because it means persuading customers to not buy from competitors. However, this conflict is of easy resolution when demand for a product type grows rapidly because there will be products for everyone, even, perhaps there is not enough total installed capacity to produce all the products required by the market, making all win with the growth.

However, when demand collapses and stops, the only way to continue selling is remove the nearest competitor sales. So, if suddenly stop sales of products, is sure evidence that the advantages of product that could have had were only sustainable during times of expansion when the client needs the product two protection modes that should have been taken, would have been, change the product making it very different and more useful through the design and use of materials, and alternatively change the positioning of the brand. Both decisions have to be taken until the flow of demand is to shrink when the planning process fulfils its main function and begin to find ways to create opportunities when the right time comes use strategies previously scheduled series and gives priority to strategists with experience. What steps should be considered in the development of new products? Wikipedia in this regard is of the view that there are several steps in the process of new product development: generating ideas ideas for new products obtained from clients, Department of research and development (r & d), competition, target groups, employees or trade fairs.



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