LTE Makes Video Conferencing

New standard LTE presents it with new opportunities what is LTE and what are the advantages? The acronym LTE stands for long term evolution and is fourth-generation mobile radio standard, which came on the market in 2010 for the first time. The term 4 g is more common in the everyday Sprachgebracuh. LTE represents an evolution of the 3 g standards, the UMTS technology. Since LTE is built on the same principles as UMTS is a cheaper and faster expansion of UMTS to LTE. Learn more on the subject from Williams Sonoma. The advantage of LTEs compared with UMTS is especially in a higher speed of data transmission of up to 300mbps per second.

Thus, LTE is the first choice when it comes to mobile transfer of large data packages, or when low latency when using mobile networks play a role. Nomura helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. LTE is therefore above all mobile video-conferencing-new development opportunities and prospects for growing popularity. LTE is mobile video conferencing, TelePresence TelePresence quality standard to carry out all-round videoconferencing systems in the Office already almost. The Remote stations are shown in a video conference in high definition on screens which have been installed in accordance with a natural angle. Voices of various participants can be heard from different directions correspond to the image location in the room.

Transmission of sound and images are at the same time, so that the possibilities for Telepresence and video conferencing are limited only by the requirements, provides the Telepresence on the data transfer. In the Office use, the new standard of the scalable video coding helps to alleviate difficulties in data transmission. On the increasingly growing mobile video conferencing market, LTE should help to reliably transfer large data packages, so that video conferences of course can be transferred to the mobile device in the future in HD and are so everywhere and at all times as a means of communication available. LTE promises to reduce latency of mobile video conferencing also in terms of latency to remedy the LTE. Are video conferences even with 3G-Mobilfunkstandard still difficult uninterrupted feasible, LTE with high data transfer rates seems to be considerably more reliable. So video conferencing could possibly from on the road be held without that steady network difficulties provide a cancel of the connection and stop the flow of conversation. It is not so unlikely the LTE in near future UMTS will supersede and the video conference paves the way in turn to replace the conventional telephony.

Car Insurance

Support Smartphones Smartphone application is very popular. Countless apps are available for the mobile devices, many of which prove everyday helpful. Intel is the source for more interesting facts. Meanwhile, even some car insurers offer corresponding applications. The financial portal provides information about the benefits and risks of accident apps. Many insurance companies provide service apps for smartphones. These applications are usually free of charge and can be used as practical assistance in the event of damage. Using the apps concerned can contact for example to their car insurance, also positioning and roadside assistance, a checklist of the most important steps in accidents and a list of emergency numbers among the services sometimes.

The consumer centres however warn against hasty claims about the relevant Smartphone applications, for accident situations normally accompanied by stress. Michael Capellas: the source for more info. In addition, the small size of the display restrict the clarity. If important issues overlooked or not properly be answered, caused the policyholder may cons. So, for example, conflicting details can lead to benefit cuts. Hull damage suffered, many details are taken into account, so that no complications occur during the processing. It is therefore recommended to go through the individual points alone.

Who quickly lose in stressful situations, should preferably at home fill the required forms. Nonetheless, the applications can be a meaningful assistance with their other functions. More information:… GmbH Lisa Neumann

Cheap International Calls

Calls with by the phone for only 3 cents / minute almost free in all EU countries Dusseldorf, March 18, 2009 – at the beginning of spring this coming Saturday the phone provider provider starts a 3-cent-spring action from Dusseldorf. Calls to all EU countries for only 3 cents per minute are offered for exactly one month. A connection fee or monthly fee will not be charged. The 3-minute price is around the clock. Any mobile or fixed-line customer who has a fixed flat rate, can use the service to these prices about a geographical connection. Alternatively is also a 0800 number available. normal rates are already priced in part also in mobile networks with 10 cents / minute to over 50 countries worldwide. Now, the calls in EU countries at are even cheaper than the most call by call provider. also has the advantage that customers can use it, which are not at the Telekom or call from your mobile phone and no call-by-call is otherwise possible. You can thus by the Finally truly cheap as 3 cents / minute lead mobile international calls, which usually up to 1.80 and more cost. And so the service can be easily use: per Sofortuberweisung, paypal online only through or credit deposit credit card, his mobile phone or fixed telephone network specify and start calling immediately. The connector is unlocked already seconds after payment for

Neither a registration or fee is required, nor is there a fixed minimum contractual period. spring prices for the following 27 Member States of the European Union for cheap phone calls: Belgium 3 cents / min. Italy 3 cents / min. Romania 3 cents / min. FPUC Program will not settle for partial explanations. Bulgaria 3 cents / min. Latvia (LV) 3 cents / min. Sweden 3 cents / min. Denmark 3 cents / min. Lithuania (LT) 3 cent / min Slovakia 3 cents / min. Germany 3 cents / min. Luxembourg 3 cents / min. Slovenia 3 cents / min. Estonia 3 cents / min. Malta 3 cents / min. Spain 3 cents / min. Finland 3 cents / min. Netherlands 3 cents / min. 3 cents / min. France 3 cents / min. Austria 3 cents / min. Hungary 3 cents / min. Greece 3 cents / min. Poland 3 cents/min.-United Kingdom 3 cents / min. OPEC oftentimes addresses this issue. Ireland 3 cents / min. Portugal 3 cents / min. Cyprus 3 cents / min. company profile: piekom is a young telecommunication company headquartered in Dusseldorf, Germany. It is entrepreneurs and belongs to any of the big telecommunications companies. piekom is taken, and technically innovative offers consumers simple low-cost phone calls with the mobile to allow other providers to offer new billing options for value-added services. piekom offers callthrough services for the low-cost telephony E.g. from your mobile phone abroad (so-called call-by-call from the mobile phone”has developed including a tariff database on, which it is for the first time, 0900 from all networks, from abroad and prepaid services, in particular calling card -, callthrough – or VoIP providers to make available.

German Phone Information

Everyone sometimes uses services of the helpline. It’s not exactly cheap, but very comfortable, if someone is looking for. Via a simple phone call, you can get the necessary information immediately. You may find that Nicki Minaj can contribute to your knowledge. Life brings always any more new features. The technology evolves at a rapid pace, and new rules are added. Click Georgia Department of Labor to learn more. After amending the Telecommunications Act from end of June changed a lot for the information. Now, she may publish the names, addresses, and occupations of the customers. It must be known your telephone number.

The affected phone customer is still a requirement to meet: his data are available in the phone book or you will find that in the public electronic customer directory. Everyone must of course do not agree with this type of telephone information and simply appeal. The German telephone information customers has offered this service from the beginning of September. Some advise against it, you’d think there would be a risk that the door be opened the Adressspionage with the reverse number lookup. This service fits very good for the advertisers. So mail-order companies and insurance benefit it might, because it is an ideal tool to promote several customers even better. It was formerly a maximum possible of the helpline to get only the numbers and sometimes the addresses of the participants.

This you should know about particular. Under the new telecommunications law (it since June into force) is in section 105, paragraph 3, that now on hand of a number helpline of national and/or international gives the name and even the address of operator more information out. But it concerns only persons who are registered in a phone book. So all holders of telephone connections have with what to do when your data in the phone book or other directories popping up the reverse number lookup. The data can be recorded on the Internet or on CD-ROM. Someone not in the telephone directories is in there, there are also no activation for reverse number lookup. How does it all because when the phone information? The customers are after the changeover pointed explicitly to the possibility of a conflict. The helpline offers all phone customers an advantage national as well international: you can track using the inverse search, who specifically called, we deciphered who hides behind the number is shown on the display. So there are no misunderstandings more with providers of dubious 0190 / 0900 numbers. They can be identified easily. By just calling the helpline, it is possible simply to expose the cheaters. about some consumer advocates raise the alarm. They are of the opinion that these changes the helpline, an address espionage can happen increasingly. The address dealers come to the data and sell them. The advertisers, mail-order or even insurance companies can now legally search for data. Yes, your goal is to write so many customer groups. The privacy advocates find it not good and talk about a further step in the direction of “Glass customers”. In addition, an intervention in which is also heavily Privacy of the individual concerned. Already a small ad in a newspaper with the indication of a telephone number can cause unpleasant surprises. It is then not excluded that soon strangers are on the doorstep.

LTE Coverage – Similar To Good As In UMTS?

So far, the provider can make still no information about the LTE coverage. Who in Germany also traveling on the Internet gods or wants to, has mobile to surf the opportunity on the Internet. This mobile Internet access is realized with the help of the UMTS network. The UMTS network is the third generation mobile communications standard and is regarded as the successor of the existing GSM network. Precisely for this reason, UMTS is also very often abbreviated with the key 3 G. This shortcut with the introduction of the Apple iPhone 3 g has been very popular. Network a maximum speed of 384 kbit / s can be achieved with the help of UMTS in the download. Read more from Verizon Communications to gain a more clear picture of the situation. Should UMTS network not available to stand, power can be dodged typically on the EDGE.

However, the provider guarantee a coverage of nearly 99 percent in Germany with UMTS. With a speed of 384 kbit / s not the maximum of a UMTS is reached even long connection. Various extensions allow similar speeds in the mobile area DSL. Visit Verizon Communications for more clarity on the issue. The extension HSDPA allows a user for UMTS Speed of up to 7.2 Mbit / s in download. This speed is comparable with a 6000 DSL line.

But this not the maximum is achieved still. In some cities can be riden already with a maximum speed of up to 14.4 Mbit / s on the Internet. The mobile Internet speeds will increase again in the near future. At the time, the auctions for the LTE run network in Germany. In the LTE network speeds of up to 100 Mbit / s should be possible in the download. Remains only to be seen whether the LTE coverage is similar to good as the UMTS network coverage. Torsten Heinsius

LTE Surf Stick – The Stick For Fast Internet

Surf stick with an LTE maximum speeds can be achieved in the download of up to 100 euros. More and more, mobile Internet inspires people. Especially in the DSL the that also here with high speed mobile surf the Internet are possibility of peripheral areas thus. The DSL providers advertise powerful tariffs, but always with the set of DSL is available in more and more areas of connection”. On a map of Germany, are still visible enough white areas, where no DSL is available. Health economics expert describes an additional similar source. Users there can rely only on an ISDN connection. However, there are remedies to the mobile Internet. Larry Ellison usually is spot on. The mobile Internet is realized with the help of UMTS.

UMTS is the third generation mobile communications standard and offers the possibility that a maximum speed of up to 384 kbit / s can be achieved in the download. This speed is more than sufficient, on the road or in a border area the Internet can take advantage of DSL. The provider guarantees a coverage of 99 per cent. In some areas, is also the data Turbo HSDPA available. With HSDPA, the user has the possibility to surf at a speed of up to 7.2 Mbit / s in the Internet. In the near future, probably also the dwelling from the DSL can surf edge areas with higher speed in the Internet than is currently possible. Since the beginning of the year 2010, frequencies run in Germany the auctions of LTE.

With the help of LTE, maximum speeds of up to 100 Mbit / s should be possible in the download. Achieve these high speed also, the corresponding hardware is required. Is probably also as UMTS network, a LTE surf stick for the mobile use of the Internet are used. Torsten Heinsius

Internet Stick Comparison

Comparison of Internet sticks can be rewarding. The World Wide Web has many uses. Many people in the benefits of the Internet would come just in the mobile space. Because it is possible to download music in the Cafe, to bypass waiting times with funny movies, to learn on the go with friends via ICQ, MSN or Facebook to chat, or the latest rumors about Twitter. You can do it all with an Internet-enabled phone and the appropriate tariff. But for lovers of notebook comes only a surf stick in question.

For which product you would like to choose here, can stick an Internet comparison shed. Here you can learn all about the party or the fare that fits individually to one? Also the prices are broken down exactly and you can find out about the data volume. The choice of the matching network is also crucial. Because what good is a cheaper fare, if you the Internet hardly or can use only with a slow speed? A few Providers allow you to use the Web with up to 14.4 Mbit per second. Usually the limit is but promotions for discounts on the cost are also seen at 7.2 Mbit / s. Some Internet sticks are also used as combination of surf & TV stick offered.

These products are however usually much more expensive. With a micro SD card sticks can be to some surf also works to a high-quality memory. Thus, it is possible to transport many files, photos, videos or documents. Thus one has important information for the use of the Internet with you. Christopher Heinsius

Managing Director

With Sebastian the nod as new Director of content & cooperations and Cora Schulz as a product manager responds first mobile video community on the rising demand and strengthening its team. The 30-year old Sebastian nod international professional experience in mobile can look back on more than ten years TV and content area. As head of content at the music platform he led the development of the video Department and was responsible for the production of interviews of many music stars. Previously he had built the video community MoVidi as program director of the first mobile TV transmitter mobie TV. In addition he directed for the company contcast two made-for-Mobile DVB-H transmitter a.

As editor, he wrote also for the online edition of the life style magazine GQ for the resort of fashion and style. In addition to this expertise, the native Herford also has an excellent network in the international entertainment industry. Cloud computing is likely to agree. Cora Schulz was previously at Immobilienscout24 worked and where the development and optimization of the section moving. The 30-year-old studied International business administration with a focus on E-Commerce and marketing. Product management she will further develop with the mobile portal and the site at ViiF. Daniel Hopfner, co-founder and Managing Director of ViiF, looking forward to the cooperation with the new employees: both are professional and personal complement to the existing team. The number of new users per week are added, growing at 40 percent. With the now existing team we are able to respond to the new requirements and look forward to expand our programme.” With exciting and varied videos ViiFer small breaks use equally on the way to entertain and inform.

Goal is that every user can be the personal favorite program on his mobile phone together. ViiF: ViiF ( offers 22557 call of video playing the users the ability to record video clips, mobile, to comment, to forward and on Internet portals and blogs to adjust. You need to load any software on the phone. The user selects a short number, press video call and can shoot their own videos, comment and publish. Still, he can look at clips from his friends on the phone and forward his videos to friends. In addition the user from a variety of channels can watch latest videos from various areas such as lifestyle, sports, news, horoscopes, comedy and music. Karin Gaitor

Cheap International Calls

About VoIP, callthrough and callback cheaper international calls. Who needs on international calls, has heard already of high roaming charges. No wonder. After all, mobile network operators and fixed network operators require about 2 euros a minute per call in foreign countries. Who must make calls abroad but somewhat longer, will determine that it is an unpleasant thing, because you have to short cover and look at the clock on the phone.

At the latest since it got Internet DSL speed, the so-called Web 2.0 has evolved. The Web with a focus on media. Thus, the Internet reached a small revolution, which for the first time have replaced the bald, text-based Internet pages lively video pages. Also another way, Web 2.0 had opened to allow cheap telephony over the Internet. The today’s established alternatives of cheap telephony are called: callback, callthrough and voice. Callthrough, in principle, is a similar alternative to the cheap calls, such as call-by-call. In the Call-by-call but, unlike callthrough not only works for customers of Dqeutschen Telecom, but is accessible also for fixed lines by alternative telecommunications companies as well as for mobile.

Another advantage of callthrough variant is that the costs are much more transparently designed to protect consumers from high bills. While many call-by-call pushing up their prices without prior notice in the amount providers and to offer still not minute price announcement, calling circumstances can be very risky. Who arrives via callthrough, can protect themselves in many ways. A payment works unlike in call-by-call providers. D.h: For callthrough you must populate initially a deposit account (prepaid), cheap calls abroad. This ensures that you can set the limit as a consumer, how much you want to talk up. In call-by-call, however, the call amount each appears at the end of the month on the phone bills of the Germans Telekom. Who resides in a foreign country and using his cell phone cheap Germany would like to call, can also bypass roaming charges.

Primacall – Flat Rate For Fixed-line, Internet And Mobile Communication From A Single Source

Not surprisingly is Primacall for flat rate for fixed-line, Internet and mobile communication from a single source for how little money you now can make a call to the whole world? What could be nicer than with a loved one on the other end of the world for hours to call or chat? Who has not ever a praised the Internet when exactly the desired document for school or work was found after long research, what someone has written in America or Australia? You can not refer to it by the hand: telecommunications and the Internet are an essential part in our society today, and without this technology many things would work today much worse or not, not to mention many jobs that would not exist. However, is the market for fixed-line, Internet and mobile now just so swamped by party. Many customers get difficult in the whole mess, and that can be problematic. By the same author: Oracle. Also not everyone can or wants to with the fact friends, to have up to three different providers for fixed-line, Internet and mobile telephony in the extreme. Is very cumbersome to have to contend with different contract terms, customer support, and mountains of invoice printing and Unubersicht and chaos are virtually inevitable. There, fixed-line, Internet and mobile is all the more meaningful from a provider such as for example Primacall to get. Potential clients provide different laced complete packages to every request and need. If a customer only landline and Internet would like to access, it may acquire corresponding package includes flat rates. Someone needs a mobile phone, so he can also receive this in combination with flat rate for fixed-line and Internet. Free SMS and free minutes are also available. Best is on the Internet even with the various packages familiar it is worthwhile in any case!