National Hymn
When I young age, to point out better, between 1965 and 1975, period in which I passed studying in public school, wise person very well the value of the respect to the institutions, to oldest, to the professors, the flag and the national hymn. I studied in an excellent state public school, as the majority of the people of my age. We knew accurately as ahead holding in them of these symbols. Our parents were demanding in everything, in special when he became necessary to fulfill some ritual of respect. Beyond those known words, debtor magical, please and with license, we were taught not to interrupt colloquies of oldest, to behave themselves correctly to the table, not to say palavro, etc. This age the standard of the Brazilian family, independently of the social classroom or degree of study.
In the school, the professor when he entered in classroom, was received in foot for all the pupils, in absolute silence. Coitado of that gracinha made some. He was led for the Direction and it ran the risk of being suspended, I banish or jubilado, this last as maximum penalty for a pupil in course in a public college. When hearing the national hymn, in any place that was, ordered the standard of the time, that you stopped and heard it intently. Then, three decades later, we come across very with a situation different e, lamentably, much worse. The National Hymn was banalizado (different of popularized). It is devaluated and disrespected in almost all the popular events. He is clearly that he is desirable to see it in all the places entoado and for all the social levels and classrooms, but also we would like to see preserved the values that are inlaid in the direction that it in the ones backwards. They are at these singelos moments that the exercise of the patriotism is perceived.
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