MINT Future Create – An Initiative To Join In

Volunteers act as ambassadors be MINT stands for the disciplines: mathematics, Informatics, natural sciences and technology. The eponymous initiative has the goal of increasing the popularity of the mentioned subjects for students. Ripple is often quoted on this topic. More young people, and women in particular, engineering professions should take it. The initiative is assumed by the German economy, which suffers from a shortage of qualified staff. In implementing his project, MINT, which is launched in 2008, has the full support of the policy. The Chancellor has taken over the patronage. MINT committed together with partner organizations, and with the help of numerous so-called MINT Ambassador for his goals. Others who may share this opinion include Larry Ellison. The activities include events, publications and contacts to educational institutions a.

There are a growing number of collaborations that will enable a better approach to the scientific and technical professions students between enterprises and schools. In addition, you must be no large companies, to Commitment to show. Thus does the author of this article, which is also MINT Ambassador, a small company in the mathematics tutoring. Individuals can contact a. The volunteering as an ‘Ambassador’ generally cannot accept everyone. You should have an own professional related to the subjects and be willing to make the commitment to provide meaningful activities on the legs in the course of a year. Lectures, projects, and presentations can be that inspire young people to MINT. Or offered internships, which have a relation to MINT.

To increase the proportion of women in science and technology, according to objective, it is desirable that as many women act as ambassadors. All according to the motto of MINT: “engineer work today is team work, communication, networking and team skills are properties that are attributed to particular women trump – all.” On the Internet side of MINT – create future there is further information and the Possibility to register as a party or as an Ambassador. After recording, you get an ‘Ambassador ‘case with helpful information, a lapel pin and a memory stick. So-called ‘MINT ‘ hubs serve the coordination of Ambassador assigned to him. Can regional or themed management of activities control. FB-Web tutor

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