Krause Loan
In a letter the customer that the agreed interest period run off (‘interest binding end’) and new terms of the loan are compatible tells. Munich, the 26.10.2011 customers who had taken on a loan at the Bayerische Landesbank (BLB) around ten years ago, to a so-called lever model”, to invest money in the clerical medical life insurance these days post received from the Deutsche Kreditbank AG (DKB), which has in the meantime taken over the loan. Herein is the customers that the agreed interest period run off (interest rate binding at the end”) and new terms for the loan to agree are communicated. Offered is the agreement of a relatively moderate rate of interest. Lawyers the interest rate according to the law firm investor protection Cape will be reduced now for the remaining years of the loan, because according to the decision of the Federal Court of justice by March 2011 the BLB for incorrect indication of the total amount in the loan agreement, only 4% are entitled to. “Before this Background, is present in us cases, therefore an interest for the remaining loans after the interest period in amount of 4% called”lawyer Thorsten Krause of Cape tells lawyers in Munich. “Lawyer Krause continues:”Aside, of the refund of paid too much interest for the past, to demanding investors against the DKB AG and Bayerische Landesbank from these loans can, often in connection with a so-called EuroPlan intended as retirement”or a similar lever model were completed, derive more claims.” According to Attorney for banking and capital market law Anja Appelt, the errors are often in the original loan agreements, which allow the investor to revoke the loan under certain circumstances even today.
Add damages meet claims against the DKB AG or BayernLB, as these in the euro plan with the British life insurance clerical medical, we believe that institutional work. The transition from the Bayerische Landesbank to the DKB Bank is it harmless. The result can range from a retrospective and retroactive interest rate adjustment to the complete indemnity position of the investor. According to the OLG Munich a case can occur here, in which the Bank and the investor virtually change places. While the investors more from the loan can request from then no money Bank, they would have to reimburse that even his own capital employed investors in return would cede its rights from life insurance to the Bank. Alternatively, investors of the Bank can hold against claims for damages stemming from the conclusion of the contract with clerical medical. Just the judgements in recent times, about the OLG Karlsruhe, or of the OLG Munich against clerical medical, can thus serve as argumentation help for also claims the DKB AG / BLB. Lawyers recommend Cape affected investors to best the Council a lawyer specialized on these topics to catch up, before they make a decision, how they deal with the offer of the DKB. This Bank is not only because of the DKB deadline rush, but also, because claims arising from operations that takes place before or during the year 2001 (how about the end of the lever model) threaten to lapse at the end of the year 2011. Contact: Cape lawyers Krause Appelt Partnerschaft von rechtsanwalten Sonnenstrasse 19 D-80331 Munich phone: + 49 (0) 89 – 41 61 72 75-0 fax: + 49 (0) 89 – 41 61 72 75 – 9 E-mail: entered in the partnership register of the Amtsgericht of Munich, PR 1069
Tags: insurance & pension, money