Internet Banking
It is possible to generate economy, greater yield and credibility next to customers and suppliers. To maximize the resulted profits is guarantee of better, backward feeding the technologies with new tools and updates of the used systems already. The companies are growing e, at the same time, reducing its capacity to know and to personalize the contact with its customers. Let us see the tailor, the shoemaker, make products or order to size while great companies retail who produce in high amounts the same products for the great mass. She does not have more privacy with the consumer.
With the growth of the companies a sensible fall in the privacy occurred that these organizations possuam with the consumers. Each time more occurs great fusing in sectors as financial, feeding, communication, drinks, retail. Some conglomerated companies or arrive to possess millions of customers. The banks are a great example: with intention to reduce operational costs and to increase its base of customers they buy competitors of lesser expression. They are used only of the same structure and effectively they bring new wallets for inside of the same organization. In this way the consumers are treated as numbers. He is much more economic and cmodo for a bank that its account holder uses the auto-attendance in electronic boxes, Internet Banking of what it if directs for an agency, therefore will go to demand time of its employees for an actual attendance.
Some of these Organizations think that mass propaganda can be enough to substitute the experience of the relationship with its customers. The value invested in propaganda must the same be invested in CRM, marketing of relationship, call to center, training (in such a way for sales or campaigns how much for the proper development of the collaborators). The vendidos products and offered services are very seemed. Ten competitors can exist the same vendendo product with accurately equal prices. What it will go to differentiate them will be the given attendance. Obviously that & ndash; if the consumer already to possess relationship with definitive company & ndash; the business will be next to being concluded. The companies need to perfect the relationship with its consumers. Each time more exists new products and services with similar prices offered by a number each bigger time of competitors and what it really makes the difference and the privacy of the consumer with the organization. To segment and to define the focus of action directly are related to the success and assertividade of the carried through offers. To plan, to segment and to focar efforts demand investments, greaters costs & ndash; however they increase credibility satisfaction of the consumers bringing bigger yield and profitability for the company. Loyalty is conquered and constructed throughout the time, with relationship directed and planned commercially. This adjective is reached through commercial efforts (long strategies of value aggregation, confidence and exchange of benefits, relation of gain-earn) & ndash; he is much more cheap to keep of what conquering customers & ndash; this phrase in all can be read the parts and it she is very true. To manage relationships is an ability, one dom. Must be cultivated and be stoned, or then & ndash; STUDIED. It thinks about this.
Tags: administration and businesses