Hot Potatoes
However, for the present work it was only observed to the relation between the pupils and the computer. ‘ ‘ The proper bases of the social functioning and the cognitivas activities modify it a speed that all can perceive diretamente’ ‘. (LVY, 1993, p.7) In the laboratory the pupils learn basic slight knowledge of digitao, use of programs as Windows, Word and Broffice, Hot Potatoes, HQ, Class Appearance, Everest, access to the Internet. Such knowledge are acquired through theoretical lessons of several discipline, where the use of the computer and the programs is necessary. Moreover, the pupils carry through research and produce texts/writings, interact with pedagogical games. What if it could observe and that, in its majority, the pupils of the net publishes since simplest already had contact with the computer previously, exactly that the majority only knew to have access programs as MSN and pages as Orkut and Youtube. In order to know the impression of the pupils on the use of the computer a questionnaire can be elaborated, where it is possible to identify the characteristics of each individual.
In accordance with the comments in lessons directed to the diverse contents developed in computer science laboratories we can perceive some attitudes in relation to the conventional lessons that if modify in attitudes and interests in relation the lessons where the use of the diverse technologies if makes gifts. A conventional, theoretical lesson, to the material base printed matter and reading, fatally would lead the group to the disinterest. Being extremely productive the use of computer science and its resources, since it produces more interactive and interesting a lesson, what it contributes to keep the attention of the pupils. as each one of the pupils can follow a proper rhythm in the execution of the activities, the learning if it becomes more pleasant. 4. Consideraes Final Concludes, therefore, that the use of the computer, without a doubt some, improves the life of the pupils. more, assists the professor to search its proper improvement of continuous form, therefore all the moment appears new technologies, new programs to facilitate education.
Beyond creating new abilities that will facilitate to the learning to obtain a job or to improve its wage, learning to use a so common and so necessary tool nowadays it improves autoestima of the pupils especially for whom if they felt ‘ ‘ illiterates digitais’ ‘ , that they at least did not know to bind the computer or to use mouse, opening the doors for a new world. E, mainly enters most devoid, the enthusiasm reflects a victory against the exclusion where they live. 5. References: LVY, Pierre, 1993, the technologies of intelligence. The future of the thought in the age of computer science. Rio De Janeiro: Publishing company 34. MORAN, Jose M. et al., 2000, New technologies and pedagogical mediation.
Tags: technology