
The first question on the confusion of the Boxes must be: to whom they benefit these financial organizations? My answer, cynical I know, it, is well simple: to the political class. They have read well: not to the citizens, not even to the impositores, less even to that so abstract denominated the region ; but to the politicians. To whom they give by the face a million Euros to buy action of an important infrastructure company and to thus become the second investor deprived of the same with great capital gains? Neither to you nor, but S.A. president of some Box, named, clearly, by the political parties. To whom they pardon the payment to him of loans pending payment? Neither to you nor, but to the happy parties. Who are accumulated the provincial secretariat of a party, the position of deputy and the one of advisor of some Box? Neither you nor I, but some political lucky person. We arrive at the fusions or confusions. They are necessary? By all means the fusions, not them present confusions since the Boxes have reduced their margin of intermediation, suffer more dilatoriness, are loaded of overvalued solar buildings and is warm its refinancing.

Of to have united before, they would have diversified risks and they would today have more financial muscle with which to confront the crisis. And, put to do it, as much the Bank of Spain as the experts recommends that the union is interregional: thus synergies would take advantage, would be avoided duplicities and, mainly, it would draw for to the use and political abuse of the respective autonomic Governments. Paradoxicalally, in a State where no longer exists a central bank this one is in Brussels the different Governments from taifas long for to have regional stools where to seat its innkeepers. As it demonstrates, they have already put to an ex- autonomic president to the front of Bancaja, they wanted to do the own thing in the BBK and can try the same after the fusion of Box Duero and Caja Spain. That no? Then still we have left to see much confusion before serial one by deliveries finishes this winding. It will be necessary to return necessarily on him. Original author and source of the article.



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