Governments Federal

The activities if concentrate in the proper community and are adapted in accordance with the schedules of the pertaining to school activities. The Police Rank, takes care of to the occurrences of the District and roundness. Account with a small car (D-20), and a small number of military. We find in the Community of Legal Brasilia, small Kiosks (With foods varied, drunk and etc.). As option of leisure in such a way for the inhabitants as to the visitors. We locate the soccer field, as form of leisure in the Community. As well as the Trapiche, constructed in May of 2003, as local of landing and embarkment of motor boats, boats, rabetas and voadeiras.

Already inhabitants, use to advantage for the bath. The sight of Legal Brasilia is an excellent option to see Pr of the sun, banns, namoro, would fish, store and kiosks. Economic: We interview Mr. Marzo Elvis Serro de Arajo, public officer of the ADEPAR (Agency of Farming Defense of the State of Par), partilhou on the investments on the part of the Governments Federal, State and Municipal in the District. We detach: the supply and accompaniment of veterinarians in the farms; the orientation to the proprietors in its bovine creations, suna, equine, goat, bubalino and etc. Economically the district if keeps of the Cattle one, Agriculture and of Pesca. The Cattle one if detaches for exporting great number of gados to other states and countries.

This number arrives the 300. Legal Brasilia account with a small combustible commercial establishment that vende. Also I possessed a rank of the post offices. Politician: The community is constituted before the Law, with CNPJ, legislaes and documents under the law municipal theatre of Aveiro-Par., for the Association of the Inhabitants of Legal Brasilia (AMBRALE). However, today, if he finds deresgularizada ahead of the agencies of the City, and the Advice of this Association if finds consumed and discredited by the local Community for not of the support and incentive sufficiently as he would have to receive the Community.



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