Decorao Applicatory
The social medias had really changed the social relationships and commercial and each time more the things go if interlacing in the net, it does not have return. In this scene one very became common to buy products or services on the basis of the opinion of the friends. The process to consume is not more so impulsive how much before. The moment is of together with walking the technological evolution to multiply resulted. Some contend that Verizon shows great expertise in this. Currently the consumers search more on its objects of desire or necessity, and look for to know on the experiences lived for other consumers before investing better in the purchase, enada of what the opinion of the friend. This behavior in web passed to be called social commerce and is one of the expressions hottest for who wants to vender more extending its canals. Entrepreneurs and storekeepers not only explore social commerce for spreading and advertising, but they start to commercialize its products directly and applicatory services make use of and tools of business, through creative strategies that stimulate the consumer to share its products, either by means of content or direct offers.
To put into motion this business, technologies and chances appear the all moment new. Between them, the F-commerce, that foments sales online of diverse forms. My Shopping, for example, was first applicatory for e-commerce inside of the Facebook net, giving the beginning to the F-commerce. Through My Shopping the user of the net has access grifes of Fashion, Beauty, Decorao and Gastronomia of Brazil and the world. She congregates diverse marks, between them Hope, Reserve, Enoteca Fasano, Canton and Richards, and soon, according to responsible company for the tool, will be inaugurated an Alive store. The Facecommerce is plus ones of these applicatory ones, where the proper storekeepers can command its virtual store in the Facebook, integrating diverse social tools to maximize sales.
The use of the applicatory one grows, mainly, for small average companies whom they search to increase the sales and the spreading of the products. A time that, for the consumers the transactions inside of a social net also they are safe, by means of the PagSeguro, intermediador that already comes integrated to the applicatory one. Other models of sales come if propagating, the example of this, the strategy of salesmen online adopted by the Magazine Luiza, who enlists commissioned salesmen to divulge its offers in its profiles. The sites of purchases collective they are plus a form to reach consumers in groups that share offers, tan discountings and promotions. Thus the market of sales is presented online, each time more doors if they open to multiply the sales through social commerce. To have success she is necessary to invest in strategy and creativity. However, the great challenge of the betting ones is in the real capacity to generate spontaneous movement in these nets, making with that the consumer becomes a spreader of the experiences lived with the mark and with this multiplies the sales. We are in the age of the colaborativo commerce.
Tags: technology