The Future
The colloquies of Marcopolo and Falco stimulate in them to be thinking, to question not simply to content itself. We must have proper opinion and pledge for what we believe to be correct. The search for the knowledge must be something continuous and must always be made use to learn, either with who will be. Knowledge does not exist, nor absolute truths. We must have the conscience of that all we are corresponsveis.
Thus, as in a theory developed for Marcopolo, the beginning of the corresponsabilidade it denotes that we influence the people in our return and that perhaps nor let us know we influence that it. We are not ' ' ilhas' ' , all our actions generate consequncias, depend ones on the others. We are corresponsveis and we influence the people in three aspects: time, unconscious memory and. From such conscience, we must always think before taking any attitude, saying any word. As well as all action it generates a reaction, a impensado act can cause unimaginable consequncias the life of the others. The value or the importance of determined act or attitude significantly varies of person the person. Of the relationship of Ana and Marcopolo, making an analogy to the life, we verify that the life never will be easy, eventually will be necessary to run risks, eventually it will be necessary to adapt itself to the others and when making a mistake or failing we must be made use to recommence. Formula for the happiness in the life does not exist, the happiness is not something inherited, however, it is possible to reach it! For the personages of ' ' The future of humanidade' ' we see that nor always prestige and the success in determined career are synonymous of abundant material wealth. To the times, you it could very be good in what it makes and not to be rich, but the basic necessities will not lack to it.
Tags: literature