Metropolitan Cathedral

The Centre of Buenos Aires, also known as Downtown is not a neighborhood, but it is an area consisting of the neighborhoods of San Nicolas, Balvanera and Montserrat. The sum of these three neighbourhoods has resulted in a rich diversity of spaces, architectural contrasts, historical sites, cultural, gastronomic and commercial offerings. In this area a large number of tourist attractions will find the main avenues of the city and in them. + The Plaza de Mayo and historic buildings La Plaza de Mayo, is the stage where the most important political events of our history were developed. It has always been a rallying point for political acts and claims citizens.

In the center of the square is the first historical monument in Buenos Aires, the Mayo pyramid, created to commemorate the may revolution of 1810 (beginning of Argentine independence). To your will find around our country’s most important buildings: the Casa Rosada (Government House), the Metropolitan Cathedral, the Cabildo, the building of the Government of the city of Buenos Aires and the headquarters of the National Bank. The Casa Rosada owes its color to which President Sarmiento in 1873 ordered paint it, using a common mixture of his era: cal with bovine blood. Your door we can see the guard that two members of the Grenadier Regiment make to horse of General San Martin. On the other side of the square you will find the Cabildo, which historically had almost twice as long but should be reduced in order to give space to the avenues of May and South Diagonal. On May 25, 1810 there proclaimed the Junta Government that replaced the King of Spain and Viceroy Cisneros. We suggest taking a guided tour to learn about historical events that took place in this building.