National Identity

Citizens who do not represent one ideological politics of being able, citizens that finally they would be, to a well positivista way, pairando on a society and analyzing it with the wisdom and the longed for imparcialidade of the rationals that guarantee its position of only intellectual; a species of social enrollment without being engaged in fact. The majority of these intellectuals in this period, was ' cria' of the elite, the oligarchical elite in decay, but the elite. Gary Kelly pursues this goal as well. She had enters the decades of 1920 the 1940, a necessity that these intellectuals were ready to carry through, to formulate, a history on the national identity, in this manner, these intellectuals, ' ' acima' ' of any suspicion, they would be the carriers of this identity. It is standed out that for so important fact, it did not have for the intellectuals and if had happened very of secondary form, the reference of a totalizante society, that is, observed inside of its cultural, social aspect, economic politician and. ' ' In diverse ways, successive generations of Brazilian intellectuals had invoked ' reality nacional'.

He is entirely secondary that this if related to the culture or the economic development, the unconscious one of the people or the conscience of elites' ' (p.26). The superficiality is us evident the reference of the performance of these intellectuals who proclaimed its ' ' conhecimento' ' of the laws that conduct history and its insertion in this history. In this aspect, the Brazilian intellectuals meet in the same situation that the politicians: they participate of a reality whose secrets they themselves withhold. still, these intellectuals arrogated themselves of an ability to assume responsibilities for the social dimensions more and politics of the phenomenon politician: through the ideology. In period 1920/1940 the national State was gradual assuming for itself the task to create a National Identity, the authoritarian authors who the author quotation wanted m to reorganize the effective power without fracionar it, but to center it.

The Protocol

A consequence of this is the effect greenhouse that had to the emissions of these pollutant gases has caused many damages to the environment leading what it is known as global heating. Had to this scene, the looks if had come back toward the protection of the environment as of priority to be protected tutored person and in such a way in national scope well as international. ‘ ‘ The projected humanity in the time to accumulate of stocks, secular dimension, not only the livings creature, as well as the future generations, imposes obligations raises omnes and atinentes the global subjects as the protection of the human rights and the protection of the environment ‘ ‘ (TRINDADE, 1993, p.218). For in such a way, a bow of normative protection for this legally protected interest was not only established, that as Coast Grandson (2003) is a diffuse right, pertaining to the generations gifts as well as to the successors. The concern with the global risk, placed in great international prominence, propitiated the search of efficient ways for reduction them pollutant gases. It emerged then, the Protocol of Kyoto, as a explicitao of Convention-Picture of the Nations Joined on the Climate, firmed for occasion of River 92 (MILAR, 2007), receiving as the expression would say Trindade ‘ ‘ common interest of humanidade’ ‘ (1993, p.219). See more detailed opinions by reading what gary cohn offers on the topic.. The Protocol of Kyoto was instituted in December of 1997, in the third session of the Conference of the Parts on Change of Climate, a meeting carried through in Japan in the city of Kyoto with purpose and/or incumbency to promote the reduction of the emission of the gases that provoke the effect greenhouse (SIRVINSKAS, 2011).

The Line

But, in 70, perhaps four ' ' no-gols' ' of Skin they had been more sensational than the written down ones for the King. In the estria against the Tchecoslovquia, Skin perceives the goleiro Viktor in advance and orders a kick with the ball behind the line of the way of field. The goleiro runs despaired and sees the ball to pass rente to the left superior angle, the centimeters of the goal, going for is. In the second departure, against England, one of the games most difficult of the competition and that it finished 1×0, occurred as the lost goal of the King. Skin receives crossing and from the cabeada strong one, but the goleiro Banks of the one species of manchete of those of vlei, makes spectacular defense, that was considered ' ' defense of century XX' '. The others two gols not made by Skin, in that Pantry of 70, had been in the same departure, in the semifinal, and the adversary was nothing less than Uruguay, that in 50 had almost took off that one that it went to be the first Brazilian heading in Pantries, in game in a Maracan (RIO DE JANEIRO) crowded with 200 a thousand people. But in 70, Skin advances for area, of the one dribbles of body in the goleiro Mazurkiewicz, recoups the ball and kicks crossed, with the same one passing rente the right bar, the zagueiro Ancheta tries in goes to take off the ball, that capriciously leaves for the line deep for moan of the King. In the same departure, the goleiro snake badly a goal shot and Skin strikes of first of is of the area. The kick is strong, but Mazurkiewicz if recoups with pretty defense. It is, for who not it saw gols that the King did not make for we in 70, valley the penalty to search and to confer.

Modernity and Economy

In 2 moment occurs a economy of the time, Samuel usufructs deliberately of its supposed freedom, comumente overwhelmd for the tecnicidade of the objective reality. The streets still were humid of fog. Samuel took off the car of the garage. He guided vagarosamente; throughout the wharf, looking at the derricks, the brought alongside barges. 2 parked the car in a quiet crosspiece. In the third moment the subjectivity of Samuel enters in scene, materialized in the version of the Isidoro personage. Two names, two men coexisting in only being dilacerado for this dualidade, and in this fight of two deflagradoras instances of the existence human being, we observe, analogous the Isidoriana subjectivity subserviente and regulated face to the tecnicidade and objetividade of the Samuel.

In the text What it is Modernity if perceives the clear opposition between tecnicidade-subjectivity, in the seio of a different relation stopped by both, characterized for the predominance of the first one, in detriment of the absence and dissimulation of this last. In this entrecruzamento of ideas and opinions the subjectivity fights for same itself, of its affirmation against all form of subliming, converging then to a process of identitria revolution: ' ' Not being able to change the world, it if it makes world and infinite world: microcosm ilusrio.' ' 3 the modern ontolgica illusion is even to be and representation equalizing them skillfully in corresponding circumstances of the representative action of the being. The Sociology of the tdio assumes diverse spaces in the current modern configuration of the point of view of the work. The tdio intimidates expressions, weakens yearnings and reduces potentialities. Ricardo Antunes cites Lukcs when discoursing in its book on the metamorphoses of the work (LUKCS apud ANTUNES, 1953, P. 49.) it affirms on the occurrence of a estranhamento originated in the interior of the laborativa activity, since in this relation, work and man more are not recognized, are found odd, therefore the enormity of the degraded deformations caused in function of a work as auto-destructive process they finish for meagering the man and its relation with the work (ANTUNES, 1953, p.166).

United Nations

From 1990 until the end of century XX, the third sector if strenghtens and to face the increasing social matters, ambient and cultural, the enterprise sector (as sector) if made gift, creating its foundations and justinian codes associates to make front to these demands, through the creation of partnerships and strategies of captation of resources. With the professionalization, the experiences and the knowledge acquired for the not governmental organizations, the State starts to admit and to accept its mritos for the way as they came if confrotting in the resolution of the social matters and starts to enxergar them as partners and mediating of its politics. It happens that the State starts to be seen as without conditions to take care of with social responsibility the devoid population, and the empresariado one, noticing the existence of this hiato, congregated its leaderships to establish the GIFE (Group of Justinian codes, Foundations and Companies), in 1995. Consubstanciado in same idea, eleven companies if associate, in 1998, to give to existence to the Ethos Institute of Companies and Social Responsibility. These initiatives demonstrate the concern of the private sector in not only aiming at the profit, but also adopting ethical behaviors directed toward the accomplishment of private social investments, in benefit of the society. With the intention to come back to take care of the social area more efficiently, due to erosion of the politics of social protection, the Government created the Program Solidary Community that was regulated, in 1998, through the Law of the Voluntariado. At the beginning of century XXI, accurately in 2001, ' ' International year of the Voluntrio' ' it is instituted by the ONU (Organization of United Nations). In Brazil, 1o and 2o World-wide Social Frum deserve prominences, congregating people to argue improvements in the social area through the stimulaton to the accomplishment of auto-sustainable projects. With the expansion of the TICs and the advance of the Internet in this decade, allied to the formation and the reinforcement of the nets of work created by the third sector, it had a contribution accomplishes e, why not to say, well intentioned for the improvement of the quality of life and the welfare of the devoid population until the present (Franciosi, 2009).