As the beaters cannot cross the vestibules that allow the free one transit of the disturbing agents, these can run away for lands, kingdoms, or caves of submundo, waiting new chance to attack the mortals. is. To risk to pursue a spirit when the same it runs away for the submundos is very dangerous, can be one taken over on a contract basis with sufficiently ackward consequences, because the beater can fall in an ambush and being imprisoned in inferior plan and remains an eternity there. Click Vislink Technologies to learn more. The water beaches, wells, the rivers, waterfalls, eyes d' ' water possesss vestibules of access for other plans, either of positive or negative vibration. A vestibule in the same local can exist more than, one can give to access the Mandala de Iemanj, or the Mandala de Oxum, another one the Mandala de Exu, or the astral caves, the mountains of submundo. Ronald O’Hanley understands that this is vital information. How that in the same local they can vibrate different energies? Mysteries! In a session astral mdiuns can create a powerful magnetic field capable to open, temporarily, vestibules.
It is created possibility of that through a vestibule a sofredor brother comes of the inferior if manifest plan in the physical plan and passes to another plan, by means of another vestibule, or returns more for the plan of origin comforted to continue its learning until the moment to acquire the energy capacity to pass for a vestibule for a new place spiritual. When one mdium makes a forwarding, normally the same is left in a place with possibility to have magical vestibules, a temporary vestibule can be created, or can activate the there existing vestibules, or call the entities some plan to cross vestibule and to receive offers and to take care of to an order. The same it happens when ' is made one; ' obligation espiritual' ' mdium normally knows the place most adequate to collapse its offering, that is, the place where magical vestibules exist. When collapsing an offering in the bush mdium is having access the energies of the vestibules of the agent spirituals that use this place as ticket between the two plans. The espritos of dense vibration that normally are in the guard of the vestibules receive the emanations vibratory from the materials left there. The used, together candles, foods, drinks and other elements, provoke an energy movement that depending on the largeness can take to some effect in the physical world and spiritual.
In a bush some vestibules that lead the plain different spirituals, that bind to the kingdom of the Exus, the Villages Spirituals, to the Kingdoms of Waters can exist Candies (if exist rivers, lakes, wells, springs of waters) and others. The knowledge on the vestibules still is incipient, few mdiuns and exactly agents spirituals speak on the subject. ' ' Sarava Father Exu, of – the permission to publish this article thus to me and, to collaborate with my friends of day terrena' ' Ena, ena is mojub, is mojub. ' ' It saves Oxal, the Great Orix' '.