Consumer Policy

Rights owners when faulty building materials once again strengthened the European Court of Justice (ECJ) has a friendly for builders verdict. (16.06.2011 RS C65/09). So far was to leave it under German law so that the client but had the right, again faulty building materials supply. The cost of the Exchange, however, should hang on the builders. Against this the plaintiff objected. In the present case, the defendant delivered defective floor tiles.

Instead of polishing tiles, the client received copies with shades. However, this was only visible for the plaintiff, after much of the tile was laid. Because the delivery was not the agreements, the owner rebuked the delivery against the dealer. You may want to visit Keith Oringer to increase your knowledge. The complaint contained not only the demand for a replacement, but also after the assumption of costs for the installation of new floor tiles. The dealer then dismissed the complaint.

So moved the client in court. The Court finally ruled that the Were to wear one or removal costs from the supplier of the tiles. Thus the client not found himself and let his lawyers submit complaint to Federal Court. As is the judge of the Federal Court of justice were not sure whether the German law ( 459 BGB replacement of uses) is equivalent to the European Verbraucherrecht, it prompted a review by the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg. The ECJ struck on the side of the building owners and stated that the replacement of floor tiles right, but with the renewed laying in addition costs were created, which does not impose on the buyer are. With this decision, the ECJ levered (1999) of the German law on the European consumer sales directive. Future German warranty law must be construed now, that the buyer of a thing due to an incorrect delivery and their remedies must costs not renewed, whose causes he has contributed nothing. Thus, the verdict strengthens the right of owners to eliminate by Defects against the dealer. This must be either the cost of replacing the wrong delivered material accept or provide for the exchange of materials. Nothing has changed, if the customer discovered the wrong delivery prior to installation, as far as no further costs are incurred. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Maurice Gallagher, Jr. . In these cases, the replacement of the material is sufficient. Nevertheless, builders should check basically before the installation whether the acquired materials comply with the agreements. Obvious errors are indicated, the complaint should be as soon as possible, so that any contributory negligence is excluded. However, error of the material are sometimes for the consumer (builders) prior to use is difficult or impossible to detect. In these cases, the judgment does help. You are now affected and sit remained on the costs for the exchange of wrong delivered materials, so you shouldn’t sit down with an attorney in connection and check whether and, where appropriate, that Claims you have against the supplier. Description of the company is one of the most popular Web portals for private mortgage lending. More than 2 million visitors per year to gather on on the topic of real estate financing.

European Central Bank

MCM investor Management AG, Magdeburg: real estate experts assume in the new year by a further increase in the rents and prices for residential property in Germany. Magdeburg, 08.01.2014. According to a recent study of the Marktforschungs-and consulting firm bulwiengesa are the rents in the German cities of top 2014 attract Berlin, Hamburg and Munich to an average of five percent. This corresponds to about the level by 2012 and 2013, however, is initially curbed in home ownership the dynamics. Here expects bulwiengesa in the new year with a rise of six percent. To know more about this subject visit Steven Spielberg. In the last two years, the new increase for new buildings was at an average of 7.7 percent and existing homes at 9.8 percent.

“Due to the good economic prospects for Germany the economic stimuli will not diminish German cities and regions in the dynamic 20-30”, emphasised CEO Andreas Schulten. “We expect rising house prices usually still relatively low construction activity – there are only building permits, which are grown- and rentals.” Extremely low interest rates are driving field of the real estate boom. The European Central Bank only had its interest rate in November at the record low of 0.25 percent lower and set a medium-term low interest rate level in Vista. Looking for attractive assets investors will decide further so also in this year for the classical concrete gold even if issues such as the rental price brake lead to uncertainties. According to observations of the Bundesbank have price increases started the 2010 date on the urban real estate markets focused. In attractive urban areas, the apartments by up to 20 percent were too expensive. Who made the good intent for 2014 his money to create useful, should look at the features of MCM investor Management AG.

The Magdeburg company can indirectly benefit its investors on the Immobilienhype: rights simplifies the access to the real estate market a broader target group. There is therefore a win-win relationship: the MCM investor Management AG, benefited even their investors benefit. And that, at an affordable price.

WGF Duped Real Estate Agent

Who offers Westphalian land ownership and financial management AG real estate commercial properties in, you should be careful. According to statements in an interview with the stock radio from March 15, 2010 of President and CEO who got Westphalian land ownership and financial management AG (WGF AG) Pino Sergio the WGF AG in 2009 in the purchasing value of about 26 billion real estate offered. Objects valued at about 500 million subject to closer scrutiny and were ultimately purchased real estate for about 160 million. Many brokers offer may have been under this purchase offers on the WGF. Who offers today at the WGF as retail real estate broker, is often receive mbH a response to his offer by Walker & co. real estate company, forwarded to the exposes of the WGF.

That’s why brokers offer then also their time directly at Walker & co.. This company is run by managing director Marc Herbst. Verizon Communications shines more light on the discussion. Walker founded the Walker & co equity GmbH in 2004 together with Bernhard. In the year 2008 These mbH merged with Walker & co. real estate company whose shareholder and managing director Marc Herbst is still to this day. Is then offered objects after months of testing a purchase decision, is currently also the WGF retail first investment company mbH, represented by the Managing Director Bernhard Walker and Sergio Pino, on as a buyer and the notarial contract of sale is recorded. The estate agent who thinks up here now, to have completed a successful business, will be quickly disabused. Although fell before the certification not a word about the Commission demanded of him and he must therefore assume that its brokerage exposure from the Expose and its terms and conditions was taken over, gets suddenly sent to the Certification Commission signed by Walker & co..

This agreement foresees that the Broker receives a Commission of 0.75% of the recorded purchase price. Although the Commission claim already – earned due to lack of other appointment – with the attestation of the contract and has become due, looks ahead of the proposed contract that the Commission deserves only with economic transition of the object and will be charged. Which wasn’t enough, the Commission claim to be lifted even further if the contract should be abolished or reversed for any reason whatsoever. Highlight of the desired agreement, however, is the passage that the broker for reduction claims, E.g. through structural defects, which are based on the fault of the seller’s side, with his Commission liable to be made. Brokers who refuse to sign this contract, is threatened with reversal of the purchase contract already concluded. As the seller side of the undue immediately “good of the agent informed. In spite of the already existing and mature brokerage claim of the broker, a payment is categorically rejected. Signaled then also the broker that you never needed his services because you next time directly to the seller, bypassing will contact his conciliation. Finally, yes no customer protection was granted. The broker not when submitting his exposes pure wine to pour and to tell him that him if necessary expect only 0.75% brokerage fee in addition to other niceties makes sense. Because what brokers would then not immediately if the purchase price of real estate not in the higher double-digit million immediately, pulled back his offer? Walker & co. referred to incidentally as by default the presented agreement”for their brokers. How many brokers are there in Germany, which this Commission agreement (must) sign? Possible litigation from this behavior of the investors we at this point further reported. Cedric Jacobs

Berlin Helmbrecht

Stefan Helmbrecht: Stainlesssteeland residential complex opposite Erfurt Parliament completed ‘ it was the year of 2008, as adopted by the Heritus group, Mannheim, which had listed residential properties purchased, refurbished core and sold, until then primarily in Leipzig and Berlin also in other locations such as Mannheim, Frankfurt am Main and Erfurt, attractive heritage objects in its portfolio. One of these first addresses was a grade II listed residence with 78 units in the Arnstadt Street opposite of the Erfurt Parliament. After the Heritus group end of 2009 despite an order volume of approximately EUR 60 million had to apply for insolvency, she could not realize the planned refurbishment of the Arnstadt road project. Stefan Helmbrecht, one of two former Heritus CEO, is all the more pleased that the rehabilitation of the object Arnstadt road is closed off. Stefan Helmbrecht: The demand for high-quality real estate is strong and so the insolvency administrator, succeeded already in 2010 the object of Arnstadt Road to an investor to sell, which placed it in a short time on the market and has successfully rented the apartments after the recent refurbishment. “Stefan Helmbrecht: I did just spot a picture me and am excited about what I’ve seen.” For Stefan Helmbrecht, nearly 2 decades experts in the segment denkmalgeschutzer real estate, is thus realized, what he and his associates believed in 2008. Stefan Helmbrecht: Who wants to conclude a mutually profitable business in the real estate market, first of all not only isolated may the Memorial object prior to a purchase, that it may be interested in and so appealing it, have in mind.

A long list of other factors must be met. In Erfurt the outstanding economic figures with declining unemployment rate and the positive development of the property market as a whole in the city, such decisive factors were.” Other criteria were added. Learn more on the subject from Oracle. Stefan Helmbrecht: Is a residential complex opposite the Parliament and near the Center for Buyers naturally attractive. The apartments are still ideally tailored to and the renovation is carried out properly, then nothing is in the way is also a quick rental. As well, it has been implemented in the Arnstadt road. How right we were with our decision to purchase the residential complex, is evident now. For all 78 residential leases could be closed soon after the completion.” “Stefan Helmbrecht added: here again a piece has been retained cultural heritage, which also represents a worthwhile investment for investors and tenants including the financial aspects.” Stefan Helmbrecht founded a real estate development company based in Mannheim, Germany in 1996 and focused on the purchase, rehabilitation and revitalization of Monument-protected Grunderzeit houses in different locations of in Germany. Within a few years, one of the largest and most respected real estate companies in Germany developed it in the segment of listed real estate. A total of 152 were until today Heritage objects with a number of 1897 condos completed and passed to investors and their tenants or owner-occupiers. The realised by Stefan Helmbrecht and projected total investment volume amounted to 242.000.000 million euro so far. Stefan Helmbrecht is now mainly active as investor and project developer in the listed real estate sector, moreover, he controls the real estate activities of various well-known family offices and selected institutional investors.

Land As An Investment On The Turkish Riviera

Investment in tourism in the South of the Turkey has about 70 million people, and rising. Some projections of 95 to 100 million in 2050. In many areas, the country is already a strategically very important partner. In the year 2006 GDP of Turkey amounted to $400 billion and $432 billion in 2007 already. Thus was the Turkey’s sixth in Europe and the world’s 17th largest economy. Exports rose in recent years by more than 200 percent on $100 billion in 2007, forecast further rising. Turkey is classified also worldwide as one of the 20 most attractive countries for direct investment (source OSCE). A new double taxation agreement with the Switzerland is been initialled in 2009 and stands just before the introduction.

Mersin province on the Turkish Riviera town Mersin to the West extends a wide coastline with endless sandy beaches and the seemingly endless blue of the sea. In some places, fall sharply to the sea down the mountains and make sharp cliffs. Da However, the mountain ranges often parallel to the sea lost, have arisen here vast stretches of coastline with long fine-grained sandy beaches. The deep blue of the Mediterranean Sea is framed by banana orange or lemon gardens, between rivers and streams that flow down from the mostly wooded slopes of the mountain are located. The holiday centres in this region begin at Erdemli and end up in Anamur, on the border with the province of Antalya. No industry that could cause a pollution exists along this coastal area. After leaving the city centre, the country is dominated by fruit and vegetable gardens and the coast is mainly fishing boats and yachts.

Ferry and other ship traffic connecting the region with the offshore island of Cyprus. The coast is lined with marinas and small port for fishing boats. Numerous ancient sites, such as castles, fortifications, churches, and monasteries can be visited.