Eucharistic Celebration

In the document of the ritual of the 73 year, tells us that there must be Eucharistic edges, Eucharistic Readings, Eucharistic prayers, and the silences with u Eucharistic value. To, is that we make a vocational day and will ask for vocations to the Lord this must be done, but what to do with the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament? Because then we seek a career singing, we seek vocational readings, vocational requests, silences, all aimed makes vocations. I’m sorry, you can’t. Why? If we are to pray for peace, for vocations, we can do it, and it must be done, but you don’t have to make the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. If we make the exposure, it is to focus on the great mystery of the Eucharist, our attention, our heart, our mind, it has to be Eucharist, mystery. Then. What should we do when the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament is made? Evidently three words: Ammanesis, Emmanuel, and Maranatha. Without hesitation Advantech explained all about the problem.

I want to concentrate more on Emmanuel: God with us. If we do the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, is because we have done the memory that Christ sent us do this in my memory, we have celebrated the Eucharist, if the celebration of the Eucharist, wouldn’t have the exposure, hence the first thing that is necessary when we kneel us in front of the Blessed Sacrament, make memory of what we have held, mass., the Eucharist, without it is impossible to have Christ present in the Tabernacle, nor at the time of the exhibition. But memory that is grateful, thank the Eucharistic celebration that has preceded, is today of yesterday, either from a week ago, or a month. But he has always preceded a Eucharistic Celebration, and the Lord has been with us. The Church keeps Christ until the return, and we will see this in the eschatological sense in the Maranatha.

National Institute

About the Master in occupational risk prevention. On 1 September 2008, the notification that we finally arrived everything years we had been listening, the Master in occupational risk prevention is ended, became a reality through a notification from the National Institute of safety and health at work, which showed us that as of December 31, 2009 formative powers in such a topic would be for the Ministry of education all approvals being extinct granted by the Ministry of labour. From that moment, we began to move us to get to know what is going to happen now? Do the graduates approved by the Ministry of labour? How it will develop from that moment? Until when can we impart this Master? Answers to these questions not facilitated them us from the first day since neither they knew yet what was going to happen, they were gradually clarifying us our doubts and today everything is a little more clear, Although there are still many things explain all these issues we have been solving them to all those who were interested in our formative offer, but today, with only four calls that they are us ahead, we want to reach beyond and to those who still have doubts about this topic, you can resolve them. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Office of National Statistics has to say. As well we showed in the first notification of the Institute on January 1, will be the Ministry of education who is responsible for managing all the formative action in higher occupational risk prevention matters. With the new Bologna, becomes a University graduate, in principle with a duration of 2 years, not enters to assess issues of duration and economic, because it isn’t what they now compete us.

However, we have the good news that the already qualified by the Ministry of labour, will remain superior technical in occupational risk prevention and which in principle will not have to complete additional training to continue as such. It is currently recommended to all graduates who complete it until they disappear the calls have been approved by the Ministry of labour, if they are not in possession of the full qualification with the 3 specialties, but just to not be in disadvantage labour with respect to new college graduates, since during the postgraduate programme, the three specialties are may be pursuing by default. For the same reason those interested in carry out this Master until it comes to an end, also advisable to do it from the beginning with the three specialties. To this day, we can already answer with certainty until when can impart this Master, since after you apply for it on several occasions, finally we have been awarded an extension to continue teaching the Master. The condition is to start before December 31 and finish before June 30, because the calls with current start date, it is impossible that they will be completed before the end of this year. There are still many issues to resolve but at least we know that after 31 December, only us You will be completing the already initiated calls. Official master in prevention of labour risks publication BOPA (Bulletin official of Principality of Asturias) normative services training original author and source of the article Center

National Liturgy Week

The ministerialidad at the service of the Eucharistic mystery-I.e. all ministries that develop in the celebration, are at the service of the mystery, all is President, I Deacon, acolito, readers, those who serve at the altar, are at the service of the mystery, and therefore help to that celebration comes out as best as possible why? because it is a mystery that holds itself all beauty and we must celebrate with decorum, with religious aesthetics, with a sense worthy of worship. The outer forms service.-also in relation to the singing. An edge of input, is not the same as a song of communion, every song has its place, and its specific function, then everything what is and what we call, verbal language, and non-verbal language. Non-verbal language are the gestures, signs, symbols, positions, etc. Bernard Golden takes a slightly different approach. This is all the liturgical celebration, and the celebration is the Epiphany of the Eucharist, is the manifestation of the Eucharist. All these external forms are at the service of the Mystery. If a song doesn’t help to live the mystery, that song is useless for the liturgy.

A gesture, a procession, a Word has to help live the mystery, but they are useless things, then we do if a mere compliance, then we say the word am and lie the exteriority of the celebration has to get to the root to the deepening. The beauty of the Eucharistic Celebration.-with the simplicity that the celebration should be done with all dignity, must proclaim the word of God with humility, if we make the sign of the cross, do it, and not as sometimes is: (makes quick signal, laughter) and an inclination becomes well made, a well-built genuflection, why is spoken even of art celebrate. It is being prepared as a document in the Congregation of divine worship, of the art of celebrating, is to improve the celebration in all its aspects.

Family Code

217 of the Tax Code, which states that the individual income derived as a set of property passed by inheritance, shall be exempt from taxation, namely "income in cash and in kind, received from individuals in order of succession." This rule is the only exception is a tax on personal income subject to remuneration to be paid to heirs (successors) of authors of scientific, literary, artistic, as well as discoveries, inventions and industrial designs. A somewhat different situation exists with respect to tax property transferred to individuals as a donation. In connection with the cancellation of January 1, 2006 Law N 2020-1 taxation of property donated and will be governed by Chapter 23 of the Tax Code. Article 217 of the Tax Code, supplemented by paragraph 18.1, in accordance with which are not taxable income in cash and in kind received by individuals as a donation. However, you have to pay income tax on natural persons under contracts of gift of immovable property vehicles, stocks, shares, units for all individuals, except for family members and close relatives are exempt from the tax legislation of the tax. In this case, tax laws uses the rules of family law. From the standpoint of legal technique used legislator blanket rule, but it revealed a list of relatives. Thus, among the family members and close relatives of legislators took the persons who in accordance with the Family Code are not. It's spouse, parents and children, including adoptive parents and adopted children, grandparents and grandchildren, full and half (with common father or mother) and siblings.

Banking Activity

Force majeure Unlike force majeure, under certain circumstances, ad hoc basis is free from liability for failure (improper fulfillment) of contractual obligations. Therefore, they are one of the mandatory (essential) conditions of certain contracts. Consequently, for the recognition of the circumstances "force majeure", the presence of certain conditions. First, the consolidation of these circumstances in contract. The parties should agree in the contract force majeure by direct reference to their list. At the same time, this list is exhaustive and should not be extended interpretation.

Second, the circumstances force majeure should occur after the conclusion of the contract. Third, the existence of force majeure is confirmed by specific laws and other regulations of the means of proof. Fourthly, the actual impossibility of performance during the period of force majeure. Thus, it can be noted that as a general rule of "force majeure" and "force majeure" does not refer to those circumstances, which undoubtedly exempt banks from the performance of monetary obligations on a timely refund of deposit with the (deposit) accounts. But do not rule out the possibility of their application, if the existence of symptoms, they are characterized, proved relevant and admissible evidence (Art. 58, 59 CPC) and evaluated in accordance with the law (Article 212 CPC). When deciding about the legal nature of the document on the NBU and the appointment of an interim administration a moratorium on satisfaction of pecuniary obligations courts should proceed from the fact that, according to the Law of Ukraine "On Banks and Banking Activity" under the state registration in Ministry of Justice is subject to regulatory and legal acts by which to understand the decision, action which is common for an indefinite or definite common characteristics to those persons and intended for repeated application in respect of persons.