The Deposits
For example, that are quotas to pay in cards, programmed transferences or automatic debits by domiciliation of invoices. While there are pending payments in the credit card associated to the account, no of the two will be able to be terminated. As far as the invoices and the transferences, the best thing is to manage the change before closing the account to avoid forgetfulnesses and, consequently, debts. For more specific information, check out (LTC). The lists, in principle, do not have to suppose a problem. However, it is necessary to know what conditions took to that banking account. Often, the banks offer financial benefits or material objects (like computers, telephones or set of dishes) when domiciling the list with them, but, in return, they demand a minimum of permanence.
To leave before the agreed time will suppose a penalty. To cancel an account is equivalent to terminate a contract, an agreement between the client and the bank in which both parts assume rights and duties. Therefore, to study the contractual obligations is very important at the time of giving by finalized the relation. Two very clear examples are the accounts with deposits on credit fixed and those in which the mortgages are constituted. In both cases, the anticipated cancellations have commissions, as a rule, of a 1% on the pending balance for the mortgages and of a 4% for the deposits on credit fixed. Even so, in this last assumption the banks they jeopardize not to penalize to the client with an amount of money superior to the interests that have paid to him to date. If there are no pending commitments, the banks do not penalize the clients to cancel their accounts, but many acquire the expenses of management and the proportional part to the cost of annual maintenance of the account. In order to drop from rolls an account, the company/signature of the holder is essential.