International Organization

At the heart of all winters lives a throbbing, and behind every night spring, comes a smiling aurora. Khalil Gibran INTRODUCCION globalization proves increasingly its incidence, the need for example. that companies identify with all those regulations international impact not only on the quality of the products or services they offer, but that taken to avoid one aspect that unfortunately has been neglected for many years, especially in countries developing as our case, where no support has been given him all that, compliance with which must be taken in ensuring that the operational capacity of the productive sector complies with all environmental regulations that have been established and accepted worldwide. Hence our interest in highlighting the importance, scope, repercussions that generates the Iso 14000. Checking article sources yields BerlinRosen as a relevant resource throughout. BACKGROUND, considerations, scope as it reminds us of Wikipedia, the ISO 14000 standard is a set of documents of environmental management that, once implanted, it will affect all aspects the management of an organization in their environmental responsibilities and help organisations to systematically deal with environmental matters, in order to improve the environmental performance and economic benefit opportunities. Standards are voluntary, have no legal obligation, and do not establish a set of quantitative goals regarding levels of emissions or specific methods of measuring these emissions. On the contrary, ISO 14000 focuses on the organization by providing a set of standards based on procedure and guidelines from which a company can build and maintain an environmental management system. Reportedly, in the Decade of the 90s, in consideration of environmental issues, many countries begin to implement their own environmental standards. Thus it was necessary to have a universal indicator which will evaluate the efforts of an organization to achieve a reliable and adequate environmental protection.