European Social Fund

With training to meet the shortage and Bremen to advance your own professional development. The wisoak (economic and social Academy of the Bremen employees Chamber) now presented their new event plans for the fall of 2011. In the field of vocational training, the program includes a series of proven in-service training with nationally recognized Government or Chamber of commerce transactions (E.g. trade hosts trade merchants, economists, accountants, controlller). Many current courses be business administration (from HR and project management), commercial reason and structure knowledge (from accounting to Secretariat), key competences (from body language to mind mapping) and computer (from Office and Adobe on Linux for multimedia and Web). In addition, it contains a whole series of innovations. The wisoak reaction on the growing skills shortage, as well as on the increased demand for qualifications with verifiable and standardized financial statements.

IT logistics/in (ESF funded) the new in-service Qualification to the / the “IT logistics/in” workers from the industry and from companies with logistics work processes for new tasks to qualify. This training is funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) and includes three levels with a total of 15 specific modules. The modules can also be booked separately. “” There are degrees of operational logistics specialist”, to the / to the operational logistic Manager” and the / to the IT-logistics/in “possible. The wisoak also six new in-service courses in a medium format will offer new IHK certificate courses in autumn 2011. You take, depending on the curriculum between 2 and 6 months and finish each with a nationwide regulated certificate of industry and chambers of Commerce from (IHK certificate training course “). Examples include: privacy qualifications for supervisor in smaller companies, specialist for health and social services, Innovation Manager. Economic specialist (IHK) in 3 formats tested / r training Economic specialist (IHK) “full time 4 months can now in 3 formats and be selected in 13 and 21 months part-time.” “” About emotional intelligence “or time management, and self organization” are new to the program with the key competences.

“” “In the field of data processing are among others new: count with Excel”, introduction to shell programming”and professional 3D”. The civic education program focuses on the design of the immigration society. The offer includes over 800 seminars and courses. The events can be viewed online at. The event plans there are available as PDFs for download or can be ordered at the following phone number or email address as printed version: phone: 0421 4499 – 5 email: press contact: Dr. Thomas Gebel wisoak – economic and social Academy of the Bremen employees Chamber gGmbH marketing and public relations manager Bertha-von-Suttner str. 17 28207 Bremen 0421 / 4499888