Russian Fashion Trends

Every year, Russia is becoming more open to foreign cultures and fashion trends. One such innovation is the hookah, which was brought to us from the Middle East. Almost every bar, cafe, restaurant or night Club offers visitors a shisha. Each year, opened a few specialized hookah bars. Now you can enjoy smoking a hookah, from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok. So, a little of the history of the hookah.

The story begins with a hookah Pakistan, which was once part of Persia (now known as Iran). The Pakistanis took our first hookah from coconuts. Later, the mighty Persians made hookah as we used to see him now. Next hookah quickly became popular in the Middle East and North Africa. Hookah smoke is much more pleasant cigarette, and differs from the latter by their constituents. It's much mennee harmful to the body, thick, rich and flavorful. This is due to the fact that tobacco, which fueled a hookah is not as common in the smoldering cigarette or pipe, and heated by hot air from burning coal just dried. Just imagine it's nice to sprawl on the couch in a hookah bar, and leading a leisurely conversation, smoking, enjoying the cool fragrant smoke.

But sometimes you want to continue the relaxation at home, to do this just to buy a hookah and tobacco and coal. On the market today predstaslenno quite a large number of both the water pipes as well and associated Tavarov. What should not be overlooked when purchasing takogy at first vzlyad, easy shopping, which is then bring joy, and not brought razocherovanie. Hear from experts in the field like Facebook for a more varied view. The first thing you need to pay attention – this is the correctness of geometric shapes in all areas of the mating parts of hookah that all parts fit with each other most tightly, without gaps. Subject to this rule will be tight hookah, which is a guarantee that when smoking it will be fun. Further detailed hotel check all of the hookah. Bowl – when choosing the cup must carefully examine it, focusing on its surface, which should be smooth, without any damage and chips, the upper rim bowls should be in the same plane – ultimately offer it to the table, it should fit tightly without zazorov.Shahta – the basis of the hookah, it's heart. Preference is certainly worth giving began, as the most durable and does not require such careful care, such as for copper. We recommend buying hookahs with mines about 60 cm, or water pipes in the collection of height of about 80-90 sm.Obratit account when selecting the bulb, it is what it is made, as well as the quality and weight. Naturally, you should also see a flask for her solidity, integrity, as well as on the bowl, the bulb should be absent are any chips, cracks and sinks. Hoses made of rubber, PVC, leather, etc. The ideal would be a leather hose, but it is very picky about the care and content, while quite expensive. According to this recommended type – rubber with a minimum content of impurities, which can spoil the whole taste when smoking hookah. Mouthpiece – the most practical and durable are Mouthpieces precious wood. Adhering to these minimum rules for the acquisition of a hookah, you will not be disappointed in his choice, and you will enjoy your purchase more than one year. Based on materials



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