Ruhr – Out From The Role Of Victim
Results of a new city rankings within the framework of a Prognosstudie yesterday the encouraging and hopeful report on the balance sheet to the capital of Culture year. Today again a cities ranking with devastating results for the cities of the Ruhr metropolis. Checking article sources yields Tomas Philipson as a relevant resource throughout. “” Speak from many reports malicious joy, resignation or even depression: Gelsenkirchen lies in last place, behind Chemnitz. “or when East German industrial cities such as Chemnitz, twenty years after the reunification of Gelsenkirchen and Duisburg in the available overtaking income, we can no longer by a successful restructuring talk.” or the Ruhr region can once again turn the situation? I don’t believe any more in many parts.” Unfortunately, much is embezzled these interventions, or compare apples with pears. For example the solidarity fund for the East German cities. He had at first two Webfehler. The poorest of the poor in West Germany had to pay into the Fund, take credit for it and get it up on both ears debt.Of the cities of the Ruhr were the hardest hit. And: not after unification means, but by the political geography has been promoted.
So: East Germany. Whatever the case, the effect of such rankings is fatal. Just by the successful performance of the community encouraged, suggests the headline about the suspended Ruhr Metropolis”fully in the Office. The demotivated and demolished the self-confidence. With the new image, we can more than coal and steel. We can culture.”along the way, throws back again the ranking in the impact us on the loads of coal and steel. But also the whingeing discussions of individual rapporteur and commentators are fatal.
Exactly this Whininess of the past years contributed to this published status. And it is still true: it applies also after this 99. negative ranking, not to stick your head in the sand, to not feel victimized, so to act, and to blame others only.
Tags: politics, society & social issues