Quality Company
The interviewed stories daspessoas, show that the fears and the difficulties that osgestores face in relation to the Countable Controladoria are of noconseguir to implant a system that is efficient the point of abrangertodos the departments of the company. This managemental transformation temmostrado that the company effects its planning, integrating to seumodelo clarifying basic, that is the countable of if controlartudo nature what it happens inside of the organization. Ahead of the fatospesquisados ones, one also perceives that the company looks for to make optimum naqualidade of attendance and motivation for its collaborators, maspercebe that sectors exist imperfections in the process of internal control dealguns. Word-Key: Planning; Motivation; Control, Quality in the Services.
INTRODUCTION the Controladoria with the mission of being an area with ample vision, has as characteristic assistant in the enterprise management. In accordance with Almeida, Parisi and Pereira (1999), the controladoria supplies the managers of diverse areas in the management process, with managemental instruments that supply to countable demonstratives on the performance and economic results. The processes of planning and control are interrelated. If it never can speak in control without having an elaborated planning to inside verify the occurrence of the facts of the organization, also it does not advance to elaborate a planning without a structuralized system and that it shows trustworthiness in the execution of its activities. The planning and the control are important administrative functions since the beginning of the administration, the responsible one for the establishment of basic the administrative principles and for the statement of the main functions of the administrative management, it summarizes the meaning of these means to establish the objectives of the organization, specifying the form as they will be reached.
Tags: economy