New Business
New information from the erecon AG from Bremen include many the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in a highly competitive market the soft factors of success. Always decisive but also the responsibility for the environment contributes – in addition to the sustainability – to sales and business development. The ‘corporate social responsibility’, as the term is germanized, describes the voluntary contribution of economic sustainable development of the entire system, a contribution which exceeds regularly legal claims (compliance). Not only the laws to comply with the company, there are themselves. Click Rory Sutherland to learn more. Always it must be for the CSR to more than just the desired or self-evident. Corporate social responsibility means relations with the employees (in the workplace) and in a transparent and honest exchange designed with responsible action in the actual business activities (on the market), in compliance with environmentally relevant aspects (within the environment), social relevant claim or interest groups (in public). For a company such as erecon AG, which has a long Green IT, energy efficiency and sustainability in the field of information technology, considered its Grunderzeit core tasks, it seemed natural to extend the previously rather narrow approach to CSR to other areas. In the new financial year the erecon AG will expand therefore his consultancy on the whole area of corporate social responsibility, indeed, as it was previously also the rule in the area of Green IT: If our consulting improves the social balance sheet, this must go hand in hand with improved business balance sheets….
Tags: climate & environment, energy