National Week

From the biblical data, and rich sensitivity of the first Christian communities, the Church throughout its history according to their diverse cultures and times has always lived to defended the day of the Lord. Today the Church don’t see with indifference the phenomena that occur in our society, nor hides his concern for the dangers to the faith and Christian life. The day of the Lord is at stake and with the Christian identity and belonging to the Church, observed when the faithful do not live on Sunday they are losing their sense of belonging to the Church. There are some faithful who initially, go to mass every Sunday, but then you will begin to say: good and why not going once a month?, and then well every three months thereafter, if clear Christmas, Easter and later or Easter or anything. What?, that the person is losing their Christian identity, and not feel Church, will languish their Christian life, because Sunday is key in our Christian life. I believe that all the pastoral parish, Diocesan pastoral, it is today save Sunday, and make all the Christian communities live on Sunday on a Paschal sense, in a sense religious, Christian and liturgical.

Our society is undergoing a process of secularization and a spiritual emptiness Sunday. The Church cannot renounce its commitment to save the risen Lord. On Sunday he deserves a lot of attention within the liturgical renewal and evangelization effort, the concern of the Church for the Sunday manifests specifically in the main post Conciliar documents that speak of the Sunday. Universal norms on the liturgical year talk about content on Sunday. The code of Canon law, the Board of Directors for the Sunday celebration in the absence of presbyter and especially the apostolic letter of Juan Pablo II, on Sunday, the day of the Lord. In that fantastic document, themes to assess, meditate, reflect and create lines of action so that it is not losing on Sunday, in the Church.



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