National Identity
Citizens who do not represent one ideological politics of being able, citizens that finally they would be, to a well positivista way, pairando on a society and analyzing it with the wisdom and the longed for imparcialidade of the rationals that guarantee its position of only intellectual; a species of social enrollment without being engaged in fact. The majority of these intellectuals in this period, was ' cria' of the elite, the oligarchical elite in decay, but the elite. Gary Kelly pursues this goal as well. She had enters the decades of 1920 the 1940, a necessity that these intellectuals were ready to carry through, to formulate, a history on the national identity, in this manner, these intellectuals, ' ' acima' ' of any suspicion, they would be the carriers of this identity. It is standed out that for so important fact, it did not have for the intellectuals and if had happened very of secondary form, the reference of a totalizante society, that is, observed inside of its cultural, social aspect, economic politician and. ' ' In diverse ways, successive generations of Brazilian intellectuals had invoked ' reality nacional'.
He is entirely secondary that this if related to the culture or the economic development, the unconscious one of the people or the conscience of elites' ' (p.26). The superficiality is us evident the reference of the performance of these intellectuals who proclaimed its ' ' conhecimento' ' of the laws that conduct history and its insertion in this history. In this aspect, the Brazilian intellectuals meet in the same situation that the politicians: they participate of a reality whose secrets they themselves withhold. still, these intellectuals arrogated themselves of an ability to assume responsibilities for the social dimensions more and politics of the phenomenon politician: through the ideology. In period 1920/1940 the national State was gradual assuming for itself the task to create a National Identity, the authoritarian authors who the author quotation wanted m to reorganize the effective power without fracionar it, but to center it.
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