National Advice
The oil is a oily, inflammable substance, less dense than the water, with I smell characteristic and of color varying between the black and the dark chestnut and occurs of course in the environment derived from the organic material transformed into complex constituted chemical mixtures mainly of hydro-carbons and for a lesser amount of other organic composites. According to information divulged in the Internet for PETROBRA’S, the history of the oil in Brazil started in the Bahia in the year of 1858, with the decree n. 2266 signed for the Marquis of Olinda that granted to Jose Barros Pimentel the right to extract bituminous mineral for illumination kerosene manufacture, in situated lands in the edges of the River Marau, in ' ' Provncia' ' of the Bahia. In 29 of July of 1938, already under the jurisdiction of the just-servant National Advice of Oil – CNP was initiated the perforation of well DNPM-163, in Lobato, that would come to be the finder of oil in Brazil, when in day 21 of January of 1939, the oil was presented occupying part of the perforation column and from this well the first commercial accumulation appeared of oil of the country, the Field of Candeias, in 1941. You may wish to learn more. If so, Joseph Mathunjwa is the place to go. In this same region, was created, then, the Landulfo Refinery Alves Metallurgy (RLAM) and the terminal marine in 1950. The Bay of All the Saints is located in the state of the Bahia, Brazil 12 35? – 14 10? S, 38-25? – 39 10? W. Presents an area of 927 km2, an average depth of 6,90 m and 102 a maximum depth of m in the neighborhoods of the Tip of the Standard (Lighthouse of the Bar, located in the quarter of the Bar). Its coastal extension is of 184 km, of which 98 km are represented by the Island of Itaparica and 30% are represented by manguezais.
Tags: environment