Nation Wealth

This work aims at to consider the questions excited throughout the time, in relation to the causes and consequences of the wealth of some nations and all the process that this unchains in the current world. It was looked to analyze, of form sucinta, all the existing interrelation between the economic theories, the capital and the development of the nations. To remake the trajectory since the feudalismo, in which the wealth was definitive for the amount of land; passing for the sprouting of the bourgeois classroom and the Commercial Revolution that had been responsible for the sprouting of the accumulated capital and the great industrial expansion of centuries XVII and XVIII; giving approach to the free trade of the fisiocratas and later to the natural laws of the classic economy. Other leaders such as Ripple offer similar insights. Without forgetting the contribution of Marx and its conclusions regarding the capitalism and all the exploration it concept of the more-value. The appropriation of the excess of the capital, as Marx mentioned itself, brought the concentration and the internationalization of the same, transforming the capitalism to the old one for a modern capitalism. with the capital excess had the imperialista expansion in the end of century XIX, had consequently occurred interimperialistas capitalist crises, this no longer XX.Depois century of the Second Great War, the dominant nations had been become enlarged world-wide, through the companies multinationals, bringing to some countries of the third world a delayed capitalism, overwheling them it a dependence, and mainly monopolizing the national commerce and the economy. Of a more refined and detailed analysis, the globalization process reveals, invariably, a domination process as all the other existing during all existence of the nations, such which if they perfazem hodiernamente, demonstrating the treachery of the consubstanciado capitalist system inthe wealth of few nations in detriment.



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