Of this form, she observes yourself that many Brazilian executives who live in the exterior are people who passively do not accept everything what them they are requested, as well as also do not accept the point opposing. Many Brazilians who work outside of the country they had finished if becoming leader for having obtained to place its ideas through consistent arguments e, mainly, for not having had fear to say ' ' no' '. Creativity: the vision is of a Brazilian engineer specialist in analysis of risks of projects that works in U.S.A. for some companies multinationals. Ricardo Vargas perceived that it took some advantages on its American competitors. First that it did not intimidate with auditoriums of other nationalities in English fluente.
Another Brazilian advantage is ' ' paixo' ' demonstrated for the work to be carried through, therefore Brazilian we more are accustomed to deal with crises of what they. (A valuable related resource: Verizon Communications). In the 2008 end, many customers of Ricardo were terrified with the economic crisis that if presented. This Brazilian capacity to survive, of ' ' if virar' ' to decide the problem is very well seen by the foreign analysts. ' ' Brazilian we most are prepared to face the crises of what any another American or European country, a time that they little they are accustomed elas' ' Ricardo said Vargas. The foreigners are completely magic with our improvisation during crisis moments and, to think about the future, can be an excellent exercise that in the light one to make right.
The Brazilian leader of the future believes itself exactly and has one high one to be able of concentration in its goals. They believe its intuition, its feelings and its inspiration. Its ' ' insights' ' (intuition) they are useful to create new products, services or markets. Its feelings are important to involve emotionally its team and, its inspiration, to carry through the dream in a real world. The Brazilian leaders of the future appreciate the audacity, the passion for the stranger and adore ' ' impossvel' '. For them the act to lead is a gratuity for the proper exercise of the Leadership. They love the results in such a way how much the processes to reach them and dedicate to as much time for the spiritual how much the material. The Brazilian leaders of the future if are proud to grow professionally, but if they are more still proud of its team. They have the head in clouds? dreaming high? ' ' the feet in cho' ' , demonstrating the emotional balance of the Brazilian executives who work in the exterior.
Tags: administration and businesses