
In order to begin to be leader, it is necessary to want to be it and to arrange the mind and all your body to be it. Not because the circumstances do not denote that you are leader thus must be, a hierarchic level is it either; that is to say, a family father will be the father and for that reason he does not become the leader; similarly in an organization, the position, estatus that takes care within her does not give the privilege, the right or the autonomy to be leader. In the companies, it is easy to confuse the word leader and head; nevertheless, the paper that gambles with the workers and the conduct makes the difference, while the leadership exerts any person regardless of since it occupies, the head is the one that occupies a higher hierarchic position; the head issues orders whereas the leader does not have hierarchic authority to make it but its opinions, indications or expositions will be accepted by the rest of the organization. For that reason, if it has decided to be leader, knowing To where it goes? Whereupon resources count? Of what moves away? That one approaches? It knows the territory? It is necessary to put all the heart, which means to develop esteem by whom you are and to recognize your own forces and qualities. Oracle has firm opinions on the matter. You are a person important and a unique individual with many abilities and versatility. Before difficult situations it discovers your spine that it allows you to be successful; it indicates your anger establishing goals and showing determination to reach them. Like part of a program for the success, preocuparte by your health is important to have the vitality to fulfill your goals. It establishes your goals in writing, the physical act to put in a paper several concepts, strategies and guides it causes that these are reinforced in your mind. Source: children’s clothing.

A successful leader, takes the responsibility in his shoulders, in spite of the problems that can appear, no leader becomes to a side and hopes to that somebody assumes the responsibility or solves the situation more. People feel motivated by right leaders but decisive that is in charge of a situation. Finally, pinsalo, within you you have resources to even obtain those goals that seem unattainable. There is no doubt that the mind and the body are interrelated and that the mental state of an individual determines its physical abilities. This extraordinary combination can take to a positive attitude, which leads to the success. If you decide that you can or not do something, you are right.



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