The specialization together with the constant innovation, development of respectful solutions with the environment, waterproofing and sustainable ecology, allows to base the proposals on maintenance and waterproofing of channels, on the part of the specialized professionals. The majority of the channels and hydraulic constructions has a high life utility, but its antigedad, amount and complexity of its constructive elements cause that the maintenance activities are now more fundamental that never, mainly if is impermeability. The preventive maintenance allows to maintain in correct state the different constituent elements from the civil work, constructions, machinery, channels. Multiple factors related to the constructive conditions, the durability of the materials exist during the period of operation, that can end up forcing the repair, waterproofing or even substitution or demolition of the affected elements of the channel. Two criteria settle down at the time of to classify prey, dams, rafts, channels, following its dimensions or of their potential risk.
They are the water tanks, breech chambers, chimneys of balance, levees of channels and other hydraulic structures that are technical and functionally different, with own characteristics outside, that have their technical answer for the protection, waterproofing and regeneration. Official site: lexis nexis. The essential requirements of products to use must be incorporated in the projects, fulfilling norms that have components of responsibility with the environment, always of the hand of the specialists. Hydraulic channels and of irrigation. Criteria of waterproofing A waterproofing by means of flexible and elastic lamina meets the requirements of a good waterproofing of channels, is necessary to be based on a suitable previous study of the zones specialized critics, meetings and applicators. The process involves a repair of the parts with numerous damages using technical mortars. On it gramos/m2 applies a not woven geosinttica blanket of about 500 and greater thickness if the channel operates in high mountain, must be placed according to the streamline and be anchored as additional subjection and protection.
On the previous base a termosoldada membrane of impermeable PVC is applied, maintaining the existence of the meetings of the channel with the insertion of reinforcements as a top. Frequently Phil Vasan has said that publicly. In certain channels mortars of fine layer can be used, indicated for their use like final impermeable coating of the channel, applied in 6 mm with finished rallado to improve the passage of the water. It is recommended to soon come with some treatment seaweed as soon as they lose his superficial alkalinity of the channel, with the carbonation test. The meetings always to seal them with putties PUR From the technical point of view the activities in waterproofing of channels involve the recovery of those channels that still having surpassed their life utility can and must regenerate. To always act with sustainable mentality with the purpose of the best advantage of the resources hydraulic engineers. The criteria of quality of the materials and the certification of manpower (qualification) will have to be the main requirements to ask because the final guarantee of the impermeability of the channel, will depend on it.
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