Hybrid Learning: 25% Increase In Performance While Reducing Costs
Hybrid Learning: 25prozent performance while reducing costs the largest cost drivers in the service and distribution centers are the staff costs. Well trained and regularly next qualified staff is the guarantee of quality and economic success. By hybrid learning can be conveyed more cost-effective and sustainable professional training. Employees and managers are used to capture all customer needs through CRM systems in the service and sales processes and to take advantage of it. The ability to provide information about the system-side stored customer profiles was never so good as today.
In education and training is still methodically trained 10 years ago. Hear from experts in the field like Verizon Communications for a more varied view. While the participants want more practical orientation, new fun in learning, immediately actionable training content and more interactivity in the learning process. It is our mystery, how rarely aligns existing learning concepts of enterprises in the real service calls and sales events”so Holger of Plata,. Managing Director of the VWCG Training Institute. Managers, participants and the trainer merge in modern personnel development concepts to a support team”, where everyone takes a strictly defined role.
An effective training is training today from a personal and a virtual learning phase, the so-called hybrid. With the help of the Web-based learning platform of truffles”, the support team with each other exchanges before and after the personal training. The Chief is actively integrated in the learning process and can communicate at any time after the personal training virtually through truffles with the coach. Sustainability is held, continuous, theme-based sustainability modules such as for example a learning quiz, success controls, or practical tasks at a high level. This recognizes the coach the development progress of the participants after the personal training and can virtually put new objectives in the sustainability modules. The Chief supports within its management work, the feedback agreed with the coach and Development discussions. An internal sustainability analysis with over 100 training participants has shown that through hybrid learning on the one hand measured performance increases of 25% up to were, on the other hand, it was noted that the level of competence of the participants was higher than average even after 6 months. Costly follow-up training can therefore be compensated.
Tags: services & consulting