Federal District Industrial
To last dates it has worried to the inhabitants about industrial zone of Vallejo the severe lack of investment. Enrique Vargas, delegacional head in Azcapotzalco, asserted that this reduction in the new investments, could inflict a severe casualty in the opportunities of businesses and, consequently, in the task of creation of uses. The recent real estate boom that has seen propitious land in the Federal District not has found it in the Industrial zone Vallejo. Of this luck, the demarcation looks for to conquer transnational commercial relations with the purpose of to attract investments. This work is realised in coordination with the Industrial Association Vallejo. Thus, one has inquired into the beginning of the talks that are being carried out with representatives of Chambers of Commerce of the European Union.
The delegacional head of Azcapotzalco mentioned that this zone is been becoming in three hundred seventy and eight hectares, same that are equivalent to 37% of the industrial ground use of Federal District and, luckyly, still he counts on estates that can used in the installation of new companies. It assured, in addition, that a potential market of twenty million people in the metropolitan zone exists, which the real estate ones in the DF have removed benefit. Also, the zone counts on a road infrastructure in which they are possible to be placed a great variety of products. This industrial estate has already more than five hundred companies, which offer work to two hundred thousand people, approximately, from who, almost the seventy percent comes from the State of Mexico. This project it is known him like ” internationalization of Vallejo” and it is a fundamental proposal for the development of the Federal District and for the rest of the Mexican Republic. In this one bet so that the production in situ is the fundamental one for the development of nacin”. Vargas explained that the majority of the companies that are left the industrial zones they are modifying the ground use with the purpose of to generate a dynamics with the real estate ones of the DF, important relations for the colonies that are located parallel to the Circuit Interior. This fact provokes the idea that the zone could become its totality and totally stop being industrialist, reason why the main idea of the head of the demarcation is that the zone prevails with the ground use with which it has come developing e, even, becomes an industrial park.
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