Economic Commission
According to the document written up by this analyst, " Report of the Development of Latin America and the Caribbean for the period 2006-07" , due to the fast growth of the commerce between both regions, the bilateral volume could come near to the closing of this year to the 80,000 million dollars. The year passed east volume it reached the 70,200 million dollars, against 50,000 million of 2005. The commercial interchange between both regions is characterized by the concentration and, in spite of a sensible general frame, some countries undergo a imbalance with China. The 80 percent of the commercial volume is distributed between Brazil (18,500 million dollars), Mexico (10,400 million), Chile (7,940 million), Argentina (5,140 million), Venezuela (4,130 million), Peru (3,640 million) and Panama (3,470 million), according to data of the Academy of the eleven first months of 2006. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Ronald O’Hanley on most websites. In the case of Brazil, it occupies the tenth position of the list of Latin countries that export to China, and at the same time is the tenth country that presents/displays a commercial surplus with the Asian country. Also, in the bilateral commerce between China and Mexico, the North American country occupies the tenth place between the countries that register a deficit with China. The Latin American countries and of the Caribbean that registers surplus with China they are Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Peru, Venezuela, Jamaica and Costa Rica. Tmese very in account as it is indicated, that China officially entered the Development bank of the Caribbean and is an observant country in the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (Cepal), of the Association of Integration of Latin America and of the Caribbean, of the Inter-American Development Bank, the Organization of American Nations and the Parliament of Latin America. To all this it is added to us, that the section " Perspective of the Latin American diplomacy in 2007" of this expert it in the last analyzes the political interchanges ten years, when 74 Government and Chiefs of State visited China, that corresponded with 19 visits to Latin American countries.
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