Curative Art

Creators and illustrators participate in an initiative to equip with graphical material the call of a march protests against the Pact of the Euro. Summoned tens of manifestations 19-J against the Pact of the Euro. The keys of the Pact of the Euro, the trip ticket of the EU against the crisis. LISTS: Which is the poster of 19-J that you like more? Blog ‘ Voices with Future ‘ it abri in May with the aim of equipping with graphical content to all the mobilizations of the call ‘ Movement 15-M ‘. Between his last initiatives it is the call of a rain of ideas between graphical illustrators and designers for the posters that announce denominated ‘ It marches the Columnas’ of this Sunday 19 of June against the Pact of the Euro.

Blog was started up by a Spanish designer who resides abroad. ” It was my way to participate in the movement before the impossibility to be in plazas” in order to express the malaise by present the economic and political system, she herself to the magazine of Yoroboku design explained. For that reason she mounted blog that reunites posters anonymous with the mottos that have more dominated the mobilizations in the last weeks. In them it is possible to be read phrases like ” It divides and vencern” , ” tica” revolution; , ” Of the indignation to organizacin” or ” Of the place to barrios”. In the Web it has hung already more than 50 posters. Each design can be unloaded in different sizes and free from rights to print them from house. The posters are anonymous for two reasons, explains in blog, ” nor we want that the participants darken the initiative, nor nobody must think that is about a movement the more with somebody with desire destacar”. The purpose of the author: ” That a pile of people prints and it papers his small world parcel.

To leave the Web and to invade the street. To foment the change. To cause that the design, once and for all, is it jeopardize socialmente”.



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