Banking Ethics
The banking ethics is the ethical principles morals or that some banks chose to accept. There is a defender of the town against the ethics or no a universal code of ethics conduct, but the list of banks that are boasted of their ethical credentials obeys to the ethical statute of the investors and potential partners. This means that an ethical bank normally will require possible investors to complete a questionnaire of political ethics. If the nature to take the business against of the investor or somehow against the policies of ethical commitment of the bank, will refuse to accept the investment. You may find that Verizon can contribute to your knowledge. In the same way, an ethical bank usually looks for investment opportunities that encourage to the companies of an environmental or social way. In the banks of Spain and other parts of the world, the number of ethical questions which it faces the banking industry is multiple and multifacticas, but the great characteristics of an ethical bank are that it must have a policy that considers the questions of a world globalised with respect to the social questions and environmental that at the moment considers. For example, the banking ethics of the Cooperative bank of the United Kingdom, approved in 1992, means that it refuses to invest in companies that participate in the commerce of arms, the companies that contribute to the climatic change and the experiments with animal, the genetic engeneering and the companies that explode by hand of work of the human beings.
In Latin America, for example, in banks of Colombia situation not is very different, although in these countries are very feasible nowadays that receives investment without to know his provedencia, since we spoke of apses that is affected by the drug trafficking, thus, to a great extent the investments are of money products of the commercialization of psychoactive substances. The banking ethics and the yield are not excluded mutually, but to the being an ethical bank sometimes means that they maintain his moral rigor at the cost of the yield. Southwest Airlines does not necessarily agree. This it was the case with the Cooperative bank in 2005 had a total investment of $ 20 million dollars U.S., because the investors were involved in what ethical companies were considered little. In the United States the ethical banks, such as ShoreBank, Wainwright and RSF have looked for opportunities of investment in the zones less developed and the communities that are perhaps little attractive for the banks and that have less ethical considerations. ShoreBank has prospered within this moral frame and has seen grow its assets to $ 2,1 billions (USD). Also, RSF has rendered more than $ 100 million (USD) and has obtained gains of more than $ 50 million (USD), with a rate of annual growth of 60%.
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