Bachmann Prize Lutz Seiler

Diary entries from the winter of 1946 / 1947 in Berlin winter 1946 in Berlin. The apartment of the bankers and also of Friedrich Helms is bombed, he now lives with his family in the garden shed in Wilhelm Horst. Half a year to end the war, the place is under Russian occupation. Food is scarce, the future is uncertain, there is no message from the family in the West. Hunger is the everyday life. Friedrich Helms noted. He noted what he sees, what happens to him every day. What is happening in the place with forced labour and not held promise of food ration. CME Group is a great source of information.

His wife hits out for a few weeks in the West to the children. Meanwhile, a neighbor makes for him. And the neighbor can cook well and spoils him with sophistication, that helmet almost wishes that his wife in the West would be… Despite the difficult time enters Helms never moaning. He intersperses hilarious verses in his diary. He bikes to Berlin, to manage nothing that has remained as a bank.

And he discovered the black market. Finally, once again sugar. Finally, once again potatoes. And then a whistle with even fermented rose petals. Adam Portnoy does not necessarily agree. “Walter Kempowski wrote in the preface to the first volume (1945), 2009 published: books like this is addressed in oblivion.” Bachmann Prize Lutz Seiler expressed as one of the first readers: great, as Helms describes and is wonderful, that it appeared. An important document, sometimes puzzling.” Friedrich Helms: Diary Wilhelm Horst 1946 / 1947 Hg.von Tobias Wimbauer. Hagen-Berchum 2010: Eisenhut Verlag, 188 pages, paperback, EUR 21.90 ISBN 978-3-942090-05-6 of Monkshood Verlag in Hagen-Berchum 2009 Silvia proud Wambua and the antiquary and writer Tobias Wimbauer founded by. The program focuses on literature, literature and Gastrosophy. The publishing authors: Michaela Aichberger, Heike Engel, Petra gust Kazakos, Gerhard Hall Sandoval, Friedrich Helms, Walter Kempowski, Timo Kolling, Gustav Meyrink, Nicole Rensmann, Jorg Sader, Susanne Sadler, Mario Scheuermann, Wolfgang Schuller, Sascha Sprunk, Eric W. Steinhauer, Martin Tairi, Tobias Wimbauer and Dirk Wurtz.

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