Acupressure Mat / Pranamatte Independently Tested

Test: Effect of acupressure mat / nail mat tested positive! Currently: A recently completed study of the University of Karlstad, with test Director Anette Kjellgren, confirmed the positive effect of the Pranamatte include pain patients. The subjects already noted a significant improvement of the situation of their pain after a few weeks! The modern acupressure mat is the evolution of the traditional Indian nail mat made of nails. The surface of the Pranamatte is filled with numerous plastic rosettes, with up to 11,500 points. This nail tips stimulate the body’s feeling probes. And the circulation is stimulated, of course.There are the acupressure mats in different versions. Only when the Pranamatte is however dispensed with in producing adhesives and the filling material is checked for pollutants.

Upper material: 100% cotton. Rosettes: ABS plastic like at Legospielzeug. How it works: place your Pranamatte on a bed or an other soft surface. The use has proven a neck pillow or one rolled-up towel around the neck. Lay comfortably on the mat, so that the nails on your skin to feel. Relax and breathe deeply on and off. If you’re very sensitive to pain, you can create, to get accustomed to the unusual feeling, a thin cloth between the tips and the skin at the beginning.

Initially stimulation can range from 10-20 minutes already, but you should increase it to 20-40 minutes. It is not dangerous to be longer, or even asleep. Use the Pranamatte if you have desire and time every day! As a general rule but: try out, how you feel most comfortable. Relaxation and quiet activity is recommended after using, not to disturb the newfound feeling. Very well, you can use the Pranamatte but also during breaks: then you can proceed with renewed energy! We recommend a daily usage for an optimum effect. Just like in other forms of training, you can achieve the best results with regularity. Take advantage of the Healing power of acupressure, easily and at home:

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