Web Syndication
When we are starting to promote our business and do not have much experience in this regard, it is very easy to get carried away by the temptation to take a list of e-mail, that we came in a chain, or search forums and collect email accounts or buy any CD with millions of accounts of electronic mail for a super price and then send your new opportunity to those thousands of prospects without asking for any kind of permission to do so. This activity is known as Spam or send unsolicited information. Although a lot of people continues to do so, does not mean that it is right, sometimes it is made out of ignorance, but be careful because this can bring you serious consequences, as in the case of the so-called King of Spam that was sued by MySpace and will have that pay some 230 million dollars to the social networking giant. Here is the source for more interesting facts. There are several ways of not falling into the Error of Spam and the most effective is to create a list of people who accepted somehow you send them information, for example through a landing page with a Form so that the prospectus voluntarily enter their data, for example look at my page to search for prospects who want to invest in Forex. Tiger Global often expresses his thoughts on the topic. Another important thing is that your messages should have an automatic way of being able to delete from the list by itself, for this I recommend using autoresponders automated services, and personally which I recommend GetResponse. Another way to reach your prospects really interested and you have a Blog is through syndication or syndication Web or the RSS system.
The Web Syndication, is no more than a way in which a Web site makes available its Material so that you can use on other sites. One of the most used formats is RSS, and you can keep you updated through an RSS reader or aggregator. The aggregator can show you updated news from a Web site or Blog to which you’ve subscribed at the moment in which the source is updated. There are a lot of RSS readers or aggregators, among the most popular is Google Reader, which is the one I personally use.
Tags: news